We got out of the car, and oh boy, we already have casualties.

And I thought this is going to be easy one.

In front of the gate 2 guards were standing looking extra carefully around.

Feitan was already thinking of calling for Chrollo's other minions, or should I say the rest of the team, but I can't do that, I have too much of a pride to do that to myself.

"Well it seems that we already have to do some collateral damage because of these two."

"Sage we can just call Michi to like tie 'em up to the tree without being seen, it's not that big of a deal.."

"Nope, I'm not doing that, you can call whoever you want but when you look at it, you're going to get less paid, get yelled at by Chrollo, and going to be called useless, and I can't stand that anymore, so suck it up and get to planning because we don't have much time."

" 'Kay, bOSs"

"Shut the fuck up Feitan."


Well, in conclusion, the plan now is to just shoot the guards from the distance, because we don't have Illumi here or Michi, we're going to use poisonous needles which are strong enough to knock out a whale.

"Okay, so, we count to three and then shoot. And PLEASE, don't miss. We have this one chance or we're fucked." I said gripping my sniper so hard that I could break it in half.

As I placed it in front of my right eye, Feitan stood right next to me oozing cold energy, so it seems that he was ready to spill some blood around.

"Ready partner?"

"Born ready."

"On three, one..."



My heart literally stopped for a couple of seconds.
Because the guards weren't even moving!
My life was flashing in front of my eyes because these two weren't moving.

Oh my God. I'm so fucked. I can't lose. Nononono. This is not happening!!

"We have to think about the plan B right now or we will get caught literally right now!"

I started panicking so hard that my legs started shaking and I couldn't even move. I can't believe that I'm acting like a rookie assassin! I couldn't believe myself. I knocked out more dangerous people than them like hundreds of times! What the fuck was happening to me?!

If I fail this mission I just might dig myself a grave hole, because Chrollo certainly will not be happy with me.

Last time I failed a solo mission, I was tortured for DAYS to the borderline of death. It seemed like they took all the time on their hands for everything they did to me.

Every punch, cut, slap... felt like my soul was leaving my body. Leaving me almost lifeless, with a blank face and dead eyes.

That was the first time that I considered committing suicide.

Because I couldn't see myself in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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