Chapter 14 - October 15, 2009

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 Her hands shook. She tried to breathe. She was a traitor. Pain and simple. A traitor to her mother, to her goals, and to her beliefs. She quickly stole a pair of glasses out of someone's purse, and carefully put them on. Her world blurred, but she shoved her hands into her pockets, and pretended she could see. Wandering down the streets, her stomach howled at her, and her throat was caked with dust, but she knew better than to stop to get something to eat. She kept her head down, and drifted through the shops. Her eyes would catch mirrors, and she'd look away. Between her shaven head, the bags under her eyes, the fake bruises she painted so carefully, she looked like just another troublemaker kid, wronged by society or the Bleeding Hearts and was looking for vengeance. No one looked at her long enough to start trouble, no one except the woman who had been following her for the past hour.

The person who had been following Ivalin slid behind her. They reached out and she snatched the hand before it could land on her shoulder, "Don't touch me."

The woman pulled her hand back, but didn't seem phased at the anger, "Pardon me, I didn't mean to offend you. I was wondering if I could take you to dinner?" The woman smiled pleasantly, clearly understanding the danger of the question, the poisonous offer. Ivalin sharpened her gaze.

The woman's dark hair tumbled over her shoulders as she tilted her head, and Ivalin bared her teeth. "Iy don't know youe."

"Let's not act as if we are both idiots, shall we?" They took a step back, and Ivalin froze, her eyes trained on the assassin's face. "Call me Jaizya."

"Agent 56." Ivalin sneered, and her chapped lip split, a drop of blood slipped through and then her lips healed again.

"Jaizya. They/Them" Agent 56 repeated, and she smiled and gave a sort of dopy wave. "I was your last target. Ring a bell?"

Ivalin tilted her head up, "Youe're not dead, are youe?" When Jaizya raised an eyebrow and shook their head, Ivalin smirked. "Then youe weren't myi target."

Jaizya's lips curled, and they took a step forward, "Listen, Renegade I1, was it?"

"Ivalin." She snapped.

Jaizya blinked, "What?"

"My name, it's Ivalin." She mumbled, trying her best to keep her breathing constant.

Nodding, Jaizya's face softened, "Okay, Ivalin," They paused, emphasising the name, "you didn't answer my question. Would you like to get dinner with me?"

Ivalin's fingers twitched, her eyes tracked the movement of the beaten people that wandered around the store. Her mind raced.

If your enemy offers you food when you're starving, do you take it?

Taking a deep breath, Ivalin popped her jaw, and her eyes narrowed. "That depends, where are we going?"

A smile crawled onto Jaizya's face. "You're going to love it."

"Iy highly doubt it." She grumbled, crossing her arms. Her stomach turned and twisted, and she resisted the urge to vomit. Jaizya winked.

Jaizya walked off, and she followed, swallowing her pride as she left.

"Please forgive me, Mère." It was a prayer, whispered in the night, hidden by the wind.

She couldn't go back. Not now.

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