Chapter 3

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At the opening reception, Scooby, Sonic, Velma, Manic, and Shaggy arrived while Fred, Sonia, and Daphne were sitting at a table.

"Good thing I dressed up, huh, Scoob?" Shaggy says

"Reah." Scooby comments in response

"Hey, guys." Daphne says. "Where's Aleena? Figured another staff member would want to be here for this event."

"Aleena felt nauseous when picking up a moonstone. She said she's gonna go lay down for a bit" Shaggy explains

"Okay." Fred comments. "Hope she gets better soon."

Shaggy then noticed the buffet table.

"Hey, Scoob, check out the buffet." Shaggy says, gesturing to the buffet table

"ROooh." Scooby comments, following Shaggy over to the buffet table

When they got over there, Scooby pulled out his camera to take a few pictures.

"RThis'll look good in my scrap book." says Scooby

Shaggy grabbed the cloth that was on the buffet table but under all the containers holding food and gave it a hefty tug, the food containers not even barely budging.

"Perfect." Shaggy comments, tieing the cloth around his neck like a hankercheif

Scooby took a few more pictures as Shaggy began chowing down, no one noticing a thick fog rolling in. When the fog was noticed, everyone who had sit at a table stood up a little confused.

"Like, who ordered the pea soup?" Shaggy questioned

That's when the lights flickered and flickered before going out.

"Sorry, everyone! I'm sure it's just a little minor glitch with one of our generators." Uncle Thorn comments to prevent panic. "I'll just-"

However, he cut himself off when a large frog-like shadow was seen on the wall of the tent.

"What the heck is that?!????" Uncle Thorn questioned

Everyone backed away slowly.

"Fred...?" Sonia starts

"I don't know either, Sonia." Fred responds

That's when the creature tore a hole through the tent, and it was...the Lake Monster!

"RLAKE MONSTER!!!!" Scooby yelped

Scooby jumped and somehow fully hid in the fruit punch bowl. Things were in chaos, people running. That's when Uncle Thorn walked over.

"Excuse me. I don't recall having seen your name on the guest list." Uncle Thorn comments

The Lake Monster shot out it's tongue which tightly wrapped around Uncle Thorn's neck before it tossed him to the side, Uncle Thorn getting knocked out cold when he crashed onto a table. Fred, Sonia, Sonic, Manic, Velma, and Daphne hid under a table, crawling around slowly.

"That thing can't be real, can it????" Fred questions

"I don't know, but I for one am not getting close enough to find out!!!" Daphne responds

Shaggy then appeared.

"Hi." Shaggy comments

The Lake Monster then chucked the table to the side as they jumped back. That's when Fred grabbed a chair that was folded up and whacked the Lake Monster with it. However, it didn't seem to phase the Lake Monster as it proceeds to whack Fred and send him flying across the tent, landing on his side as he got up and groaned a little.

People frantically ran out of the tent. Back at the front of the Country Club, everyone was running in a panic after having cancelled their memberships.

"No, please, everyone! I'm sure there's a logical explanation to all this!" Uncle Thorn called out trying to stop the mass panic

Meanwhile,Aleena walked over after laying down.

"My children....did I miss something?" Aleena asks

:This may sound crazy, mom, but there was an actual attack from this beast called the Lake Monster." Sonia comments

The Lake Monster of Erie Pointe!" Shaggy comments. "It was the most horrifying, terrifying, scariest thing i've ever seen in my life!!!!!!"

"Anyways, hwo are you feeling, mom?" Sonia asks

"I'm feeling a little better. Just got up to come investigate all this chaos." Aleena responds

"There's no way this was a serious monster attack." Fred comments

"Oh, my guests sure seemed to think it was serious!" Uncle Thorn comments as he walked over, pulling out just how many cancelled membership cards there were. "Not even one day open and already half of them cancelled their memberships. If somebody doesn't figure out what's going on here QUICKLY, it's gonna be a very short summer. For all of us."

Uncle Thorn walked off and Daphne sighed.

"Guys, we have to do something!" Daphne comments. "We can't afford to lose these jobs!"

Fred, Daphne, Sonia, Sonic, Manic, and Velma all looked at each other and slowly smiled, Shaggy shaking his head.

"No. No no no!" Shaggy comments

"You guys thinking what i'm thinking?" Fred asks

Everyone but Shaggy nodded, Shaggy groaning a little as everyone else as they walked off to catch up with Uncle Thorn.

"Here we go again..." Shaggy mumbled, following the others

Soon enough, they caught up with Uncle Thorn as Aleena walks off.

"Uncle Thorny, we just wanna let you know not to worry." Daphne comments. "Not only did you hire summer help, but you also hired the best supernatural detectives in the tri-state area."

Uncle Thorn rose an eyebrow and asks, "I did??"

"That's right." Velma says, pulling out a brochure form earlier and opening it up. "And i know just where to start, too. With Elmer Uggins, the person who's taken the only known photo of the Lake Monster."

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