🌸Intro & Coverbook

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PROMPT 2 : Cinta Lama

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Cinta Lama

Love in Colorado

5 Chapter include Ending

Bab 1: 1934 words
Bab 2: 3119 words
Bab 3: 1522 words
Bab 4: 2158 words
Bab 5: 1227 words
Total = 9,960 words

WORD COUNTBab 1: 1934 wordsBab 2: 3119 wordsBab 3: 1522 wordsBab 4: 2158 wordsBab 5: 1227 wordsTotal = 9,960 words

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Hai! This is my first time ikut contest! I really hope my story met your criteria. It took me 5 days drafting the story and character build.

For my lovely readers, please vote for all chapter ya. Ini cerita pendek je dan author sedaya upaya mampatkan semua isi-isi penting. Almaklumlah words cuma 10,000 sahaja dibenarkan. So this story consist 5 chapter sahaja.

And this story happen in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Dan character serta dialogue mostly in English. Kalau ada grammar yang salah tolong highlight ye my readers. Author cuba sedaya upaya speaking. HAHA!

Happy reading and thanks for any votes!


Love in Colorado ✔️✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now