Chapter 8

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Dear readers,

First of all, my apologies for not posting regularly. The circumstances doesn't favor me to write a story. Forget it!

Happy Namjoon Day Army💜
Saranghayeo ☂️

Happy Namjoon Day Army💜Saranghayeo ☂️

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What happened? (Preview)

Jimin resides at the Kims as it was raining that evening. Taehyung and Jimin had a brief chat and Jimin reveals that Byeol will be going out with Namjoon on the forthcoming weekend. Taehyung was totally dumbfound when he listened to the details given by Jimin.

Now...Diving into today's chapter:

    "Eomma, Please..." Byeol was pleading Hayoon as she was busy preparing Ramyon and Kimchi, walking back and forth between the stove and the Kitchen island.

   "I promised him" her eyes went blind as tears filled them. She tried hard not to blink, afraid of letting the drops overflow.

Hayoon tasted a spoonful of Ramyon " came out well than I expected" she mumbled to herself.


"Byeol-ah" she faced her daughter at last "It's not a big deal, dear. You can go out with your friends or that guy - who?...he's a Kim too, right? Kim..what?"

"Namjoon" Byeol bit her lips. As we knew, when Jimin stayed at her home- she got a call from Namjoon Kim asking her out. The following day in class, He came to her in person to confirm that she'll join him and Byeol replied with a positive nod. However, it's not only her but he had invited her fellow group mates - Jungkook and Yoongi too as his weekend company.

"Ah...Namjoon! I swear he will understand. He won't be angry on you for not coming. Or you guys plan the trekking event for another day. From what you said about him, I believe he's a good humoured boy" her mother smiled.

Byeol sighed in disappointment "Why can't we postpone our family vacation for another day?" She pouted.

Hayoon shook her head and giggled at her cuteness "It's not just a vacation, little berry. The date was fixed by your Appa and Samchon, it's more like...Like a reunion of our Families. You know how long it has been since we were together!" a shadow of sorrow showed up on her face for a moment and faded away.

Byeol wasn't ready to care about her Family issues. All she could think was "Jimin is coming!!"

"I thought it was only us..." Byeol tried to hide her smile. The fact that her cousin and his family will accompany them was a great relief for her. She can spend her time joyfully with Jimin escaping all the awkwardness that she has to tolerate by being beside her Brother and her Father.

"No no no" her mother motioned her to help with the Dishes which has to be placed on the dinner table  "Byeol-ah, Go and Call your Oppa for Dinner. He's in the room"

Byeol stood there making circles on the table artwork with her finger.

"Hurry up, it's late" Hayoon raised her voice a bit. Byeol raced towards his room which is the next one to hers and knocked the door.

As there was no reply from the other side, she tried opening the door and found it unlocked.

"Ta----" she paused and gulped.

Collecting all her mental strength, she opened the door wide to find none inside.

Woah! How long it has been? She couldn't remember the exact date but she still has the memory of the day - the last day she visited that room. It was the same as it always been before. Even when her mother went to pick a dress for Jimin from his Cupboard, she stood outside near the doorstep.

As hard as she dug in her brain, it was a day when she was 13 and in her eighth grade. As usual, Byeol was sleeping in her room. Somewhere between 1 to 2' O clock at midnight, she suddenly woke up with sweats dripping on her forehead. Pushing away her Duvets, she hastily ran towards her brother's room. She always did know and she still does, that his room was always kept unlocked for her.

She climbed over his bed and clutched his shirt. He engulfed her within him and patted her head with a indescribable passion.

"Nightmare?" He hissed in his sleepy hoarse voice.

"Hmm" she nodded on his chest.

"Oppa is here..." he kissed her head.

Those words! It hurts when she thought of it again. Byeol let her eyes wavering over the neatly arranged bed of his. It would be so good if someone can bring back her Childhood.

Growing up was one and partly the main reason for Byeol grow apart from Taehyung. It was so fresh in her memory how her father yelled at her for acting like that. He doesn't like her to use his room and later gave his reason that Taehyung was in his early adulthood and she's a teenager so they're are supposed to sleep together as they are not children anymore.

The bitter memories clouded her mind and it was like a spark of lightning when a picture caught her attention. She moved towards it and lifted it up in her hands.

"They are friends?" She whispered to herself in surprise.

It was a framed photo of Taehyung and her very own classmate Yoongi.

It was a framed photo of Taehyung and her very own classmate Yoongi

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