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| HiddenVille,

Lincoln House |

| 3 months later |

"Is there any chance, any bit of one at all, that you could come over and help me and my sister babysit my little siblings?" Max asked over the phone and Julia was in her room at home, trying to figure out her newest song lyrics to her album that she was writing with two songs in it so far.

"Am I allowed to?" She asked and as the grunt from his end of the line was indicating, it said that the answer was probably a big fat 'NO!' from his super hero parents. "But what about your Dad's 'no non-supes in the house' rule that he is so fond of?" She questioned.

"Please?? Julia... Jules, I am quite literally begging you here. I cannot stay home on my own with my twin sister and also be expected to be in a situation where I am stuck in the muck of babysitting the other two." Max truly did sound desperate and his tone sounded grumpy as Julia sighed at his desperation.

"Fine, but I need boiling water and hot sauce. Any chance you guys have those? My dad refuses to buy me any of my favorite hot sauce anymore and I am desperate to have hot sauce again, at some point before I die." She said, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder, and she was trying to draw at the same time.

"We have way, way too much hot sauce at the house, all thanks to my dad. You can have it all and I will gladly boil water for you, for what you need it for." Max said and Julia was smiling on her end, but of course he couldn't see it.

"All right. I will get there as soon as I convince my dad to let me come over to yours." Julia admitted and Max was grinning, as the line clicked to dead as Julia sighed. "Now, for the fun part. As I tell my dad about this." She said.

Julia walked downstairs and found her father passed out and snoring on the couch, beer bottles and a still half full bottle of vodka, sittin' on the floor next to the couch. "Or, maybe I don't have to tell him." She murmured real quietly and she tiptoed out of the door and began walking quickly down the street to the Thunderman Home.

Julia knocked on the door and while she was hoping that it would be Max who answered the door, she was not surprised in the slightest that it was the always irritating Phoebe his twin, who was the one to answer the door.

"Hi Phoebe." Julia spoke with a very very clearly fake tone of happiness in her voice, but Phoebe either did not at all notice, or didn't care.

"Why are you here?? We did not invite you over." Phoebe snapped rudely and Julia crossed her arms over her chest, and she sensed her Sensate abilities kicking in.

|Phoebe Thunderman
|Alias: Thunder Girl
|Powers: Telekinesis, ice breath, heat breath
|Danger level: Bring about the end of the world, if she was to turn evil|

Julia said none of that out loud of course, since nobody knew that she was a supe except for her father and her mother, who had died years ago in a terrible accident.

"Hey Jules! Come on in!" Julia sighed quietly with relief, and Max came up to the door and shoved Phoebe out of the door. "We have got science stuff to work on." Max told Phoebe, as he had a massice grocery bag full of bottles of hot sauce that he handed over to Julia immediately, who had brought over a lot of leftover fried, regular chicken in exchange.

Max slid down the slide to get to his room and Julia took the stairs, since she did not want to draw attention to herself by revealing that she knew of the lair's existence or where Max's weirdly obvious entrance was.

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