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"Sorry about Phoebe. She is just totally angry and annoyed that she has to babysit both of those two, Billy and Nora tonight." Max explained and he shut the sliding entrances, from his 'evil lair' and Julia sat down.

"Any chance you could?" Julia held out the chicken and Max nodded, as his fire breath heated up the chicken and Julia pretended, that she almost burned her hands from holding it and Max caught it the bucket by the clever use of telekinesis. "Thanks." She said.

"No problem. After all, you are down in here with me and the kids are both upstairs annoying Phoebe. What more could I want or need?" Max asked and Julia dumped, two bottles of hot sauce onto the chicken and Max stirred it up quickly. "We make a good team." He noted, as he handed her the bucket of chicken back.

Julia started eating the chicken and eventually, she put the bucket on the table and Max started eating some as well.

"Oh, damn it, I forgot the boiling water! I had the kettle and cups all ready, even." Max looked distinctly upset with himself and Julia wiped her hands on the napkins that she had brought with her, before she hugged him. "I'm sorry." He said and Julia hit him on the arm. "Ow!"

"You were just completely stressed out about dealing with your twin and your two younger siblings. I honestly, didn't even expect you to remember the hot sauce so it is okay, Maxi." She said and he looked over at her. "Okay, I'll just call you Max then." She spoke uncertainly and he shook his head.

"You can call me Maxi, just not in public." He murmured and he hugged her gently, as Julia leaned her head on his shoulder. "Thanks for coming over Jules." He said and Julia shrugged, and she looked at him and he was messing around with telekinesis now.

"Well, it is not like I had anything better to do with my time. Dad is out cold on the couch and I have no other friends." Julia admitted, as she looked at the other blueprints, that he had all scattered around the lair. "You really want to be a super-villain, that bad huh?" She asked quietly and Max was nodding.

"Phoebe was always better then me at... well, pretty much everything. All I had going for me otherwise was my powers and intelligence, but of course she had it too. I wanted to be the best at something too, so... I chose to be the best supervillain." Max murmured as he looked at Julia who nodded slightly at his words.

"I get it. Not the whole supervillain thing, per say, but I do get the parents who don't pay attention to you, so that you have to do something so super, so drastic to get their attention." Julia's voice was truthfully serious and she leaned against him again for another hug.

"Phoebe is inviting Cherry over. That is another reason that I invited you so, sorry, I guess?" Max sounded unsure a bit, and, Julia just started laughing too loudly at his words.

"I get it." Julia reassured him and Phoebe screamed from upstairs and the two ran up quickly, to see that Phoebe had frozen Cherry solid in a panic.

"You can not be here! You can't see this, any of it!" Phoebe shouted at her and Julia's eyes widened, and Phoebe used her ice breath and in response to it Max blasted at Phoebe with his heat breath.

"Stop it, all right? She already knows everything!" Max shouted and Phoebe looked shocked, and she looks at Julia over Max's shoulder. "I told her all of it, okay? You don't have to freeze her."

"Alert. Alert. Alert."
"Parents approaching house."

The computer said and Julia's eyes widen at the sight of it. "Go! Into the closet Jules!" Max said as Julia nodded and she ran into the closet and Max in a panic, threw the frozen-solid Cherry right on top of her by mistake.

"Wait, you told a non-supe about our powers, Maximus?! How could you?" Their mother asked and Julia's eyes were widening, and she watched the back and forth between them.

"I am a supe!" Julia blurted out suddenly without thinking, as Max was about to get severely punished and they were going to move away, so she went ahead in a panic, with the plan named 'Panicked and Desperate' to help them.

"You, a supe? Not possible." Their mother stated and Julia looked at her with a shake of her head.

"Barb Thunderman. Your husband and also a fellow Superhero is Hank Thunderman aka: Thunder Man. Your alias is Electress. You can shoot lightning and electricity from your fingertips, you can manipulate the lights in your house and you can also use your powers like an X-ray." Julia blurted and Mrs. Thunderman's eyes went wide.

"Hank Thunderman. Born and raised as a superhero, your alias is Thunder Man which is a pun on your surname and one that everyone used to laugh a lot at you for. You can fly, your phrase is 'Thunderman Away!' and you also have super strength." Julia spoke up.

"Max and Phoebe Thunderman. You two both have heat breath and freeze breath and telekinesis. Phoebe was a superhero known as Thunder Girl, a lame name if I ever heard one." Julia said with a roll of her eyes. "Max has the same power set, but is better with technology and refuses to be labelled as a hero." She added, as she saw that Max's eyes were smiling now.

"Nora can shoot lasers from her eyes and was and is still too young to have a superhero name, but everyone calls her Laser Girl." Julia noted and Nora's eyes blazed with lasers, as she shoots them at Billy.

"Billy has super speed and is known as Kid Quick." Julia finished and their eyes widened at her knowledge of the powers of their family.

"I'm a Sensate. I can sense people's powers and whether they are a supe or not. I can keep your secrets." Julia finished and they all nodded, as when the younger kids went to bed and Phoebe went to do her own thing, Max slipped his arms around her in a hug. "What?" She asked gently.

"Thanks for that." He murmured as Julia turned around and she hugged him. "Movie night?" Max asked as she smiled as he started playing the movie and Julia was asleep basically within the first few minutes of it.

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