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"I am almost glad that everything is out in the open now. If only Phoebe's prophesied apology would come to be passin', then I would be as right as the rain." Julia murmured to Max as she'd work on the fins of the rocket, that the group project had been assigned to her and Phoebe in class.

"Did you enroll me in the AP Technology and Robotics class, like we talked about? Along with the AP Physics?" Max asked as he worked on the rocket, and he flipped up the mask and hands the rocket very carefully to Julia, who smiled at the yellow, white and blue coloring that had ember and orange flames painted on the side.

"Of course I did, Maxi. You are already, of course in the both of them and I convinced them to let me switch from Phoebe's partner to instead being yours for the rocket project. So she gets none of the credit and gets thrown under the bus... at the same time." Julia pointed out and Max was laughing, as they both high-fived and Julia was grinning.

"You're right. Now, don't we have school in five hours?" Max asked and Julia yawned, and she nodded at his words. "All right, I slept for five hours the other night, so you get to sleep this time." Max said with a yawn and Julia shook her head.

"Rock paper scissors?" She asked as Max smirked and he sat down across from her and they started playing the game.

After about five rounds, they were both snoring as they were completely solidly asleep.

The phone alarms went off loudly as Julia rolled off of the bed and when a moment later she ends up on the floor she continued to snore. "Stupid alarm system." Max grumbled quietly under his breath and Julia's eyes shot open a bit.

"School!" Julia shouted and when Max's eyes shot open, he shouted in a panic.

Julia dove under the covers to change her clothes, while Max changed out of his room to try to give her privacy.

"Thanks for the jacket, Max." Julia spoke up and Max shrugged at her words.

"Well, you did kind of burn up your clothes yesterday, so I figured that you needed some. That is Phoebe's shirt--"

"Pink is not my color." Julia said at once and Max looked at the shirt with a critical eye.

"Agreed. Here." He said and tossed a blue shirt at her, before he turned and shut his eyes. "All good?" Max asked.

"Thank god, or you, that this shirt is not pink!" Julia shouted with relief, as Max laughed at her words.

"Also, Mom's pants." He said and Julia's eyes were narrowing a little, as she grunted.

"That explains the fact that they are tight. I guess that I actually do need to lose weight." Julia grumbled quietly as she carefully took the rocket and Max shook his head.

"Here, I'll take the rocket and you grab breakfast?" He asked and Julia nodded, as she carefully handed it off to his air hands, as he lifted it very, oh so carefully up the stairs with his very familiar power of telekinesis.

"Is toast good?" Julia shouted and Max's nod came as a response. Julia handed him a piece in exchange for his backpack and they start walking to the bus stop together. "Is it true... that Phoebe got her thundersense and you didn't?" She asked and Max was sighing quietly.

"I do have my Thunder-Sense, I just really, really want a new and very real good super-computer, so I have been pretending that I don't have it." Max's voice was guilty and Julia sighed, and they walk off of the bus and into their school.

Julia felt the familiar sensation of something trickling down her head and she gasped at the sudden bucket of freezing cold water, that was right dumped on her head.

"Look at her, shivering like she is in the Artic stupid-looking... in her big britches." One of the mean girls said, as Julia walked over to her locker in a quiet silence.

"You aren't just going to let them do that to you Jules, right?" Max asked as he looked at Julia, who was secretly at the moment, using her powers to dry herself off. Max moved around a little bit, so that he was mostly blocking the student body from seeing the glow. "I mean it Jules." He said and she looked at him.

"There is nothing that I can do Max and besides... I do need to lose weight, which is why I'm joinin' in the theater productions. I need more, a lot more extracurricular activities apparently."

Max looked after Julia with worry in his expression, since she is clearly in some sort of pain and he for once, had no idea how to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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