4. House Of Wolves Hotel!

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"Let us drink!" Mikey said as we walked into the hotel room and threw all of our bags down. Mikey dive bombed the large bed in one bedroom. There was another bedroom too, that was Frank's and mine.

"You still have your fake I.D's right?" I asked, I looked through the hotel mini fridge, it had expensive wines and some weird ass buffalo whiskey.

"Yeah, I've got mine on me all the time." Frank said pulling out his wallet. I looked at it and grinned, the picture Bob had taken of Frank was hilariously gorgeous, he had this stoned expression and his hair was everywhere. I knew Mikey still had his because he was jumping happily on the couch.

"Alright, ready for a dudes night drinking?" I asked. They both nodded and we went through the door. We made our way down to the bar at the main floor behind the check in site.

Just as we entered the bar, a dude had to check our I.D.'s and we grinned and let us in. Once we were in, we were in the clear. Frank and I went and got drinks and sat down together, Mikey went elsewhere looking for single gay men more like it.

Frank sat across from me and drank a few swigs and smiled at me slightly. His stitches were healing so well. I smiled back.

"I still can't believe it." Frank said, he leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling with a giant giggle escaping his lips.

"Can't believe what?" I asked, he looked at me and stuck his tongue out.

"That we did this! Look how far we got!" Frank said giggling. He threw an a up in triumph, I grinned.

"Shall we celebrate?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I could see Mikey dancing on the floor with some lad, their hips pressed together. He was a very interesting kid when drinking.

"As in get shit faced and sleep?" Frank asked.

"Oh Frankie, have you forgotten what happened last time we were drunk together?" I asked. He blushed through the stitches and reached his hand across the table and linked his fingers through mine.

"Oh I remember. We did Jägerbombs and you almost threw me out a window." Frank said chuckling.

"I did not throw you out a window or anything close to that!" I defended. "I mean, you try waking up with someone in your bed without remembering why!" I challenged.

"Let's get drunk and try that out." Frank said accepting my challenge. He smiled and stood up pulling me with him.

We got a few more drinks, slammed those, took shots, and bustled our way into a dancing crowd. My vision was blurring, my hands around Frank's hair and his hands on my chest. We grinded roughly to the music. We did this for a while, and my lips were attacking the soft flesh of his neck, he was groaning deep in his throat. His fingers gripping my chest through my shirt.

"Gee." Frank breathed in my ear. He grinded his hips against mine, both of us sporting a hard on. I grunted slightly, he nipped right below my ear. "Room. Now." Frank panted. I nodded and took his hand. Tonight..is this really happening?


A/N: Hi! Uhm, this is a new chapter obviously. And stuff is getting pretty heated between the two, so yeah. Be prepared for a strong next chapter.

Also! Sorry if I don't update a whole lot this week, I have Exams this week :( I'm gunna have wattpad withdrawals because I like updating..

~Your Comments Fuel Me<3


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