Chapter 6: Am I Dead?

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You fell back onto the bed. You couldn't comprehend what had just happened. SCP-049 had touched you. You were dead. Or so you thought. How? How were you not dead? What's gonna happen next? So many thoughts were rushing through your mind as you pressed your back against the wall trying to get away. You saw 049 put down the drink you asked for and back away. You became petrified. You watched him. "Y/N." He said loudly. "It's ok." "I'm not going hurt you.". "I'm not gonna preform surgery on you." "You don't have the pestilence." "I'm not going to harm you.". "I was getting your drink.". You didn't say anything for a few seconds. "O-oh.". "Sorry." You apologized. "It's alright." 049 told you. "You can grab your drink or I can hand it to you." He told you. After that you didn't want to make him give it to you. You grabbed it yourself. "I got it from my bag." He told you. You drank it. It tasted good. "How come your hand didn't kill me?" You asked him. "I can control it." He answered. "Besides why would I kill the person I love?" He asked. "Now you need to rest." He told you. "I'm fine with you staying here with me.". "Me to." You told him. You trusted him now. He could have killed you. He didn't. "How come I don't have the pestilence?" You asked him. "You are lucky he told you." "I am lucky I found you." He told you next. "I'm lucky I got tasked with coming here so much." You told him. "So..." you started kind of nervous. "What if..." "I..." "Get the pestilence?". "Then I will develop the perfect absolutely 100% safe cure for you." He answered. "No you will not become a zombie." He then said. "So what do you wanna do now?" He asked you. "I don't know." You replied. "I am bored though.". "Do you want play a game?" "Do you want to watch a movie?" 049 asked you. Right before you could reply though alarms started to go off.

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