Chapter 15 part 1

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The heavy skins of the unmarried women's tent created a dim and dull cavern, darkness lurked against the walls and along the floor; only a crack of slightly paler sky peered through the not quite sealed entrance flap. No one thought to light lanterns before they left, and Aya's two guards stood, tight lipped and frowning, definitely not inclined to conversation enough to ask them to procure light. Every few moments one of them glared in her direction before returning to their stubborn pose.

Outside the tent, she heard the sound of far-away voices, like the rushing of wind through the grasses. Strain as she might, the words themselves faded to obscurity. What was so important that Jaob had called together the entire village—except her and her loyal escorts—to announce it? Not likely the capture of the true traitor; she doubted she would still be 'confined' if that were the case.

She lay on her pallet, studying the skins above her. So far, she memorized every crossing stitch of the several-layered skins; as darkness fell she rapidly ran out of things to occupy her mind.

She glanced at her guards once more. She needed out of the tent, before she started conversing with dust motes.

“So,” she began conversationally, the guard on the left, a slender, nervous man twitched violently. She didn't blame him. They existed, mutually immersed in silence for so long her voice surprised even her. He straightened himself and sent a glare toward her that normally would have discouraged further discourse. She was bored though, so she pressed on. “Any idea of why this gathering has been called?”

Both men scowled her direction.

“I was just wondering. It must be frustrating to wait in here, guarding a girl, while something so important is being discussed.”

“Yes, so if you don't want to see the result of our frustration, you should shut that mouth of yours.”

Aya waved her hand in acknowledgment and quieted for a moment.

“It's just that your duty being to guard me; I don't see why you can't perform that duty and attend the announcement at the same time...”

“You have been ordered to be confined.” The man on the left grouched, but Aya thought he might have agreed with her sense.

“Where am I to be confined?” She asked, “Is it not just as confining to be guarded anywhere by two capable Magi?”

“Don't listen to her Tobak, you know Hamor will be displeased if we let her out from this tent.” He turned angry, violet eyes upon her. “I know what you're up to traitor. You are looking for an opportunity to escape us. Then, you will destroy what is left of this village.”

Aya withheld a frustrated snort. No, she wouldn't escape. She had nowhere to go, even if she did. But she did want out of the demon cursed tent.

Laying her head back on the pallet, she thought about what the guard said. He warned about Hamor's displeasure, not Jaob's. Should their first loyalty not be to New Hope's leader? How suspicious that the same man who pushed the blame of sabotage onto Aya gathered a following of his own. Maybe someone did stand to gain from the traitor's actions.

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