Chapter 9 Part 2

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“So...most of the water needs to be spread between plants,” Nauni commented hesitantly as she approached, noting the situation.

“I am sorry Nauni; I was startled and it spilled.”

“Startled?” Nauni looked around in alarm, brows raised and mouth open. Aya stared at her feet, mortified, Nauni must think a demon jumped out at her, or some other legitimate reason caused her behavior.

“No, it' does your power work? You don't seem to have difficulties with...wayward magic.”

Understanding settled on Nauni's features.

“Oh...that's why Jaob told me not to touch you. No, my power has always been...containable. Perhaps your talent is simply a strong one?” she suggested.

Aya leaned to pick up the basket and, as soon as her fingers brushed the material, the tingling started. But I was just touching that. She lifted her fingers away.

“A really strong one. Kierra's power is strong too, the strongest I know. Maybe she can help you.”

Yeah, that is what Jaob had suggested, and then he had left her to figure out how to un-insult the woman on her own.

“Kierra doesn't like me much.”

“That's odd, why not?”

“I may have implied that Magi were damned and that I hoped my own change was a mistake.” Aya said sheepishly, the statement may well offend the woman next to her as easily as it had the healer.

Far from being insulted Nauni chuckled. “Yes, that would likely do it. I remember feeling something similar after my change, though I never voiced it; especially in front of Kierra. Our healer is a bit...temperamental.”

“Right. I got that. Any suggestions on how to get her un-temperamental at me?”

Nauni cocked her head thoughtfully.

“Kierra is passionate, she seems to have many high emotions, but she doesn't usually hold a grudge for too long.”

Aya glanced at her hands, “how long exactly?”

“ more than a moon?”

Aya groaned audibly.

“Hey, I'm sure that it will be less than that...maybe.”

Great God, she hoped so. She didn't want to live with the constant fear that her power would suddenly take over. Jaob was right, she needed to learn control. And gloves. She needed gloves.

Nauni looked at the spilled basket warily.

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