Chapter 2~Introduing Me.

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*chapter 2*

"Julie, go and do your homework."

This sentence above is really common isn't it? Well, you may have heard it from your mother or father or both.


A child's nightmare.

Who in this world would love to do homework?

The answer is simple.

It's me. Julie Ann Jones

I was born as a cheerful child. But grown as a quiet one. I remember when I was 3, I was clueless enough to pick up a tiny cockroach that was running across the floor and try to eat it. Lucky enough, my mother stopped me. I got a harsh beating after that. But that,didn't matter.

I loved my mother a lot when I was younger, just like any other child. But I was so attached towards her that I would never go anywhere, without her. Now when I say never, I mean it.

Going to the toilet? I needed my mother.

Going to the playground? I needed my mother.

Eating lunch or dinner? I needed my mother by my side.

You can call me a 'mommy's girl,' that's actually kinda true.

Also, I only allowed my mother to carry me. If anyone else did, I would cry like I'm getting a painful injection.

One day, my mother brought me to the hospital for annual check-ups and even there, I didn't allow the nurse to touch me. She said that this isn't very good and I should learn to mix around and not only stick with my mother.

So, eventually, after bringing me outside and showing me faces of different people, I eventually got used to getting along with others.

I wasn't the 'mommy's girl' everyone used to call me anymore.

I was Julie Ann Jones.

Back to the homework part.

Before you judge me of calling me a nerd, a study freak or a -no-life person, I just wanted to say that I'm neither of the above names.

I love to do homework because that's practically all that I can do.

I was either doing homework, or writing some notes for next month's math test.

You guessed it right ; I do get good grades in exams.

But sometimes, I get distracted, and eventually fail all my tests.

I'm not a fish.

I trust people a lot.

You can call me gullible actually.

Cause that's what I really am.

I trust them when they say I'm beautiful, I trust them when they say I'm the most kindest person they've ever met.

But when you trust people a lot, they take advantage of you.

They betray you and leave you alone.

Leaving you stranded in a lonely island.

Where there's no one there to help you. No one to hear your sorrows.

You're being named as the 'loner'.

Sadly, I was a loner.

A pathetic one.


That's the end of chapter 2! Hope you liked it! ^^

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