Chapter 10 : Unknown Tears

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Author's Note : yes,yes i'm finally alive after i suffered a war.. oh yes, you can scold me all you want but don't you want to READ this chapter first? (: x

*Unknown Tears*

Year 6 had arrived and I was really happy. Why? This was my last year in school, duh! All those unsavoury memories that I have experienced here were going to be trickling down the drain. About 9 months more, excluding the holidays, and I will be free like a carefree bird. I would be starting a new school with better memories to be made. I had this strong will to study really hard and go to a school of my choice. And in order for me to lead a peaceful life in my school years to come, there was only one choice ; To go to a girl’s school.

If you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about, well let me just elaborate further. In my town, there is this certain national exam that you have to take. It’s based on the points that you get that determines if you’re going to a better school or not. Natrually, girls school here are more wanted and higher standarsized. I’ve always wanted to go to a girls school because one, it’s a good school and two, you will be free of bullies.

Just as I wanted Year 6 to whizz by faster, something heavy was lingering in my heart. The happy fact that Natasha and Abigail weren’t in my class anymore and we didn’t talk everafter, I made new friends. Those new friends that I made made feel, somewhat happy. Even though the fear that I would be hurt again was echoing in my ears, I wanted to give myself another chance. In those two fatal experiences that I’ve had regarding the term ‘frienship,’ the only lesson that I’ve learnt is to choose my friends wisely. I’m proud to say, that I did.

I became really close with this girl named Angel. She was really sweet to me and we got along really well. Don’t worry, I know that I’ve made the right decision in choosing her as my best friend.

We used to make fun of this boy named Ben. It was just a friendly ‘making-fun’ thing we did during class and he was really cool about it. Sometimes, he will laugh together with us! He’s really a cool guy.


“Hey, so did you go to the Justin Bieber concert last night?”

Angel and I were teasing Ben about the fact that he actually attended a ‘Justin Bieber’ concert! I mean, isn’t it too rare that you actually find boys liking Justin Bieber. Ok wait, actually it isn’t really rare and I actually find boy-beliebers really cute but hey just for the fun of it, I had to make fun of him.

“Er ya. So?” Ben replied, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

“So who was the one-less lonely girl?” I asked him teasingly.

“What a stupid question to ask there Jules! Of course it is Ben. Right Ben?”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I literally just fell of my chair and started laughing hysterically. Lucky me, no one actually took a video of it because if someone did, I bet it would  be a viral video on YouTube.

Suddenly, I heard a loud sound. Immediately, I stopped laughing and got up to see Ben standing up. My eyes drifted around to see what caused that noise. It landed on Ben’s water bottle which was on the floor across from where his table was. Knowing the cause for the sound, I turned to look at Ben. His fists were clenched at the sides and his face was apple-red. His eyes were bulging out from its orbits. In short, he looked like an angry bee who’s hornet has been disturbed too much.

“Stop making fun of me.” Ben deadpanned, striking me out of my train of thoughts.

My heart started thumping wildly and I gave a what-to-do-now stare to Angel. She looked really frightened too and we ended up just staring at him the whole time until the teacher came in and waved us to get ready for lesson.

When school ended, Angel and rushed out to find Ben. After first period, Ben and I weren’t in any lessons together. I didn’t see during break as well. I have to find him. I want to know why he was so angry just now. I’ve never seen Ben like this. Or atleast, to me.


“Where do you think he is?” I asked Angel, in between my heavy breathing. Angel just shook her head vigorously, probably out of breath to even utter a word. We were running like some mad stray dogs deprived of food. In this case, we were deprived of answers instead.

“Oh me shit heads, there he is!” Angel suddenly screamed , pointing her hand towards a figure.

My eyes landed on Ben, and it grew into two big meatballs when I realized he was crying. My heartbeat was racing like a speedboat. The sight of him crying made me cringe.

Angel broke the silence first. “Ben… are you ok?”

How stupid of her to say that! Couldn’t her eyes capture the fact that he is seriously NOT okay? I was going to punch her face with my fist when abruptly, Ben stood up and stormed past us hurriedly.

Till today, I’ve stopped talking to him and because of that, I didn’t actually know why the heck was he crying. Thanks to my wonderful friend Angel, of course.


Year 6 was going well , I suppose. No heartbreaks, no failed friendships.

I was glad. You know for the first time, your mind is finally filled with tranquil peace but then suddenly something unexpected happens and you feel like your heart is just weakening it’s ability to stay strong ever after?

When one problem is solved, an unexpected irritable problem comes up. I seriously hate that. Hate is a strong word, and I when I say strong, I mean really strong.

Ha, now you guys would be thinking like “does this girl never have a ‘problem-free’ life?’ The answer to that.. I don’t really know. Perhaps, you can ask yourself. Do YOU have a problem-free life?


Hi guys. yes ok i'm sorry. there were like a bunch of projects and tests and i know this is a stupid lame exucse but you got to understand!!!!whatever it is, you only need to remember one thing. and that is,

I'll never quit my burning passion for writing.

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