Chapter 13- Betrayal.

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“I really need a break”.

That is all I ask for. Being in a house where wars happen every week, getting betrayed by friends, failing tests and exams, losing my best friend… This is not the life I was looking for. And even if I had been given a chance to live or to die, leaving this earth always seemed a pleasing choice to me.

I was chosen to join the track team at the beginning of the year. Well believe it or not, I actually loved running. Every human being in this world needs a space where they can express their feelings instead of bottling it up inside their hearts. And apart from writing, running helps me do it as well.

Oh that could be one of the worst decisions I had ever made. That day, my track friend and I went to MacDonald’s to have our early dinner cause she said she wanted to tell me something. And I agreed.

“Julie... I n... eed to tell you something” 

“Sure.. Go ahead”

As much as I was scared of hearing something that might break my heart again, I felt like this wasn’t anything new to me. There won’t be a last time to this horrible life I’m living.

“Do you know that none of the track members actually like you except for me and Kelly? They think you do not belong here. To be honest, Cheryl is the one who’s making everyone hate you. She said that if you were here it might be a threat to them and also, she doesn’t want you to join any competitions. They are thinking of ways to kick you out of the team... I’m so sorry but please do not tell them I told you this.. She might kill me”.

I nodded my head and took a sip of my coke. There is surely something wrong with me. That is why everyone hates me so much.

I wanted to confront that duck (I named her duck because I hate her so much!) and I was so mad I could throw open a watermelon using my head. I angrily wrote an indirect message to her on Facebook but she didn’t have Facebook so she didn’t know about that. But some of my friends actually commented on my post asking me what’s wrong and I told them you will see what happens in school tomorrow.

So the next day at school I was a bit hesitant to confront her but I did anyways. It was time I become a woman! Even though I was only thirteen.  Ha ha.

I clearly was wasting all my time, pulling an all-nighter trying to figure out what to tell her that would make an impact. I failed miserably. I started to cry while talking to her like who does that?!?


She kind of refused to accept her mistake but in the end she apologized. Her friends started sticking up for her and consoling her and I had my best friend who was telling me it’s going to be okay.

Those fake b******, I don’t see what pleasure they get in making me cry, like really. But it’s over now. And i am glad I got to know what kind of girl she was. All thanks to my track friend.

Because of that I had to change my CCA because I really couldn’t be team mates with all those fake ducks. The Photography Club was the only available spot so I had no other choice but to join it. I’m so happy to say this but this is something that I would never regret joining…  I met amazing friends and even got to show my little goofy side with them! They were so friendly and it was just so great… After a rainy day, comes a rainbow. Jolin, Felicia and Chloe. THEY were my rainbow... J

But I still wonder what comes AFTER a rainbow… A hurricane? A disasterbeing ? I don’t really know but all I know is that god has something else waiti withng for me.  

My exam results.

 DISCLAIMER: I was busy with moving and just weird family situations.. So.. I will be updating frequently now. Thank you for being the best readers in the whole world. I almost am reaching 3000 reads. I just love you guys :( <3

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