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(For all intents and purposes, all "speech" in Bold shall be English and all "speech" in normal writing is Japanese.)

Oh yeah... Were gettin' started.


For the SECOND time you cracked open your eyes and prepared, prayed, for your vision finally to be reunited with the lovely, white ceiling of your bedroom after what seemed like eons apart.

But no.

For that is not how Author - chan has decided to conduct this narrative, and because, apparently, this literary universe Author - chan has created was not finished with whatever cruel mockery it was making of you. What you were greeted with, instead, was the oh-so-pleasant continuation of the (excruciating) ache in your limbs and wood-cast roofing of a Japanese mansion.

And you, as it had just been discovered, were bed bound.

Oh for f**k's sake.

Yes, the only thing that stopped you from crying bloody murder, right there and right then was the fact that the your sheets were clean, and pillows devoid of rat piss (small mercies, you tell yourself), as well as the sudden, but delectably saccharine intonations that seemed - instantly - to put you at ease.

"Moshi~Moshi~ It seems you've finally woken up."


Certainly not the first thing you'd imagined you were going to be hearing, but who were you to question. It was at this thought you summoned ancient memories of an age long foregone (intermediate Japanese lessons) and silently thanked yourself for being a weeb.

 With that, the discourse had commenced.

"Where am I?" At least, that's what the question would have been if it didn't sound like you were smoking ten packs a day.

But you honestly didn't care for your dishevelled appearance, because you, dear reader, are a protagonist with their priorities straight... i.e. being too occupied with wallowing in your own self-pity.

Somewhere in the room there sounded a delicate chuckle and within moments its proprietor had gracefully entered themselves into your skyward-facing line of vision. "You are in the butterfly estate, dear patient, and I, am Shinobu Kocho~" 

Let's just say you had never regretted looking like crap more in your entire life.

Shin-  WHAT?!


B-but how!? 

You exhaled slowly to recollect your poise and engaged in some handy "self-deliberation."

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