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A/N: Heh Heh... I'm aliiiiive.


Your recovery at the butterfly estate was a slow and gruelling one... or would be if you weren't so wrapped up in gushing over the butterfly girls.

It would be a tragedy, after all to forget the ultimate fact that THE kamaboko squad were having their limbs mercilessly stretched until they could not be felt... IN THE VERY SAME PLACE! On the same tatami mats, going through the same torture, enveloped with the same supreme joy of Zenitsu as if surrounded by the beauty that was Nezuko - chan herself.

At that moment, to you, there was no greater mercy than that of Isekai.


Suffice to say they looked unimpressed.

In fact, from the outside looking in it may have seemed ,perish the thought, that time being wasted on trivial pursuits (simping) could be better spent elsewhere (the goal of this entire flipping plot). You, however, understood the matter in a slightly different way...

You knew the ultimate purpose was the protection of the flaming husbando, and a subsequent plan conjured up in your days glued to the recovery bed (with far too much time on your hands) had been carefully pieced together. So, all that was left was the placement of time and focus on regaining physical health as soon as possible...

And what's a little indulgence along the way?

What is it for you to be mentally unfit to complete the greatest, most important, and noble of tasks? What is it for our hero to be crushed by the crippling stress of their gargantuan undertaking before they have completed said mission? Pooh! It shall not be the case! For you had ensured that you were prepared to overcome such disappointment.

Yes, that's it.

Content with the outcome of your internal dialogue, you smiled, plodding along the shiny, waxed wooden floor of the estate and readied yourself for upcoming training with the Kanao Tsuyuri.

[(ò_óˇ) Insert anime recovery montage (ò_óˇ)]

The time had come for you to leave the butterfly estate. Complete recovery had come and the Kakushi had arrived to escort you to the corps HQ for a subpoena issued by the leader himself! Tearfully you said your goodbyes to Sumi, Kiyo and Naho, with whom you'd developed quite the relationship, and set off wearing a spare uniform of your size the mansion had provided you with.

"Goodbye Y/N chan!" "Have a save journey!" "We'll miss you!"

You waved enthusiastically and ensured them of your return.


The Ubayashiki estate was everything conveyed in the series and more. It was if an instant serenity descended upon the surroundings. The subtle breeze of the wind and song of the birds a welcome orchestra of pleasant sound, as you were lead past the glistening shrubbery littered with dew drops that surrounded its periphery, and on through the vast halls smelling lightly of agarwood mainichi-kō... to a slide concealing the room the leader was said to be waiting for you.

You steeled yourself as the escorting Kakushi announced your arrival.

"You may enter."

You took a deep breath and did just that.

"Sit, my child."

"Oyakata-sama I thank you for your time and pray for your swift recovery, please forgive me for my untimely intrusion."

He sat, supported by his wife in the middle of the room and regarded you with an inscrutable expression through milky eyes and a smile barely visible but present all the same...

"Shinobu has informed me that you are quite the individual, however, in the face of your enigmatic appearance I must say it is nice to be pleasantly surprised by impeccable manners and a demeanour that inspires nothing but the upmost confidence it not?"

His words were punctuated by tone of genteel humour that worked remove the tension from your shoulders...

"Do excuse my wistful musings, I trust that your stay at the butterfly estate was a comfortable one?"

"Ah yes... most comfortable!"

"Excellent. Nevertheless, it not your time at the residence that acts as the reason for our meeting today. I wish to know more about you and perhaps the reason for our perplexing first interaction... "

"I hold vast amounts of information that would be of much value to the corps, my lord. I came from a land quite far from this one (although you weren't exactly sure how "far"- ) and although the nature of my arrival wasn't exactly ideal, the reason for it is to protect and eventually save a loved one from the hands of a (dishy basketball) demon, also wishing to work towards your goal of defeating 'that (incredibly handsome) man' and  know particulars concerning him that may not have reached other members."

You swallowed thickly and paused to inhale the incense that danced past your nose and around the room.

"Umm, so I ask that despite the fact that the time for taking the entrance exam is long overdue that I may be admitted into the corps – due to the special medical circumstances that would have delayed my taking it."

He listened to you attentively, never once stopping to interrupt your speech and followed a silence in which he took time to consider your words...

With that you had set the first part of your elaborate plan into action.

STEP 1: corps admittance.

"I cannot jeopardize your safety for the pursuit of my own goals, be you harbinger from another world or no... Despite this I sense your sincerity and have decided to place my trust in you."

- You stopped yourself from making an ugly victory face -

"I shall allow you to enter among the ranks of my brave children, under the condition that you be supervised and undertake a final test – alone - that will make your acceptance official, of course to ensure you are physically able to complete the missions required of you."

He took a small sip of the green tea that had previously been placed before him, humming thoughtfully before continuing.

"And, under the assumption you mustn't have had much... if any formal training, I will send you to be apprentice under Love pillar Mitsuri Kanroji, who I'm sure you'll find more than capable. She shall observe your progress and the outcome of your final test. I wish you every success..."


As you bowed and turned to leave you were reminded of a very important query,

"Ah, about me disrupting your meeting..."

He waved a graceful hand in the air, "You have been forgiven, my child."

"I thank you once again, my lord."


Ah, the kind-hearted queen of beauty. Mitsuri Kanroji! To be honest you would've been happy under any one of the Hashira. ( Although Sanemi might have been a little difficult-)

As you walked away from your summons, you grinned.

I'm one step closer to saving you! And in triumph you exclaimed,




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