•she was always smiling•

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As I was on my way to work.
I saw this lady again.

She must be enjoying the view in the night and in the day.
As she saw me, she said "hello dear"with the sweetest voice ever.

She actually works every night everyone in the neighbourhood knows about her. On her free-time she goes to every house and give them some baked cookies or usually cakes.

She loves to cook and try some new things like me.
Usually she comes over and helps me with my house or somewhere I need help.

Oh no! I nearly forgot work.
I zoomed out again.

I was in the bus till I saw her again she was running so she wouldn't miss the bus.

She has an beautiful aura and she is so nice.

The old woman who live one block away—who forgets my name every times she sees me, told me that she works in a fancy apartment.

That's why she's always caring those big bags with her.

As the bus stopped at my station I said bye to her and went inside the building.

"Hello I'm mister kawhali"
"Oh yeah take a seat, the doctor will be back in 10 minutes"

I took a seat and looked in some magazines.
I remembered myself that I put some energy snacks in my bag— which I love the most.

I was looking through the magazine till I saw some fancy jeans.
I should get them next week they're not so expensive.

I remembered how I saw them 5 months ago and they were tooo expensive.

I zoned out again that's why i didn't notice the doctor calling "mister kawhali" over 5 times till he touched  my shoulders.

"Oh im sorry I was zoning out"
I followed him in his office.

"It's okay but for you new job you need to focus on one thing and try to not zoon out all the time"

"So what did they say to you?"
"So they told me I can start next week"
"Oh that's so great"
"Yes I couldn't believe it either. Because I was zoning out all the time. I seemed more interesting to them"
"Oh yeah because of creativity,that's why"


"So are you ready to let it go?"

I didn't said something this time.

"Look I DONT want to force. I need to ask you ever time and I promise you,you need to let it go ,the past is past"my doctor said.

When our eyes meet...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя