•dont you remember?•

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I was sitting down at the rock again.
The girl was there too.
Her eyes were sparkling and she looked beautiful as ever.
She was smiling and so was I.
This time i was not that happy....

"Hey! Today was a kinda sad day but that doesn't matter because tomorrow will be better! But I finally started my new job"

She smiled.
"Thank you for listening"

I grabbed my bag and went home again.

The first thing I did was changing and I made myself something to eat.

I was kinda hungry, I'm never this hungry.

I went to sleep at 1am.

I woke up because of the beautiful lady.
She was shining so bright.

I went to the cafe before leaving to work.
I saw her again.
She was singing a song,while she was choosing something to eat.

She had her hair tied,like she always used to do in Highschool.

I almost forgot my work. That's why I payed for my cafe and drove to work.

After 5 hour or more work I went home again passing by at a pizza restaurant. I ordered some large shrimps pizza and ate them with some coke.

On my way home. I passed by the rock again.
She was here again,like she always is.

"Hey how do you feel today..."she smiled.
"Today was a kinda good day. I saw you today at the cafeteria. You looked beautiful as ever"

Her eyes were sparkling again.

"Don't you remember how we always used to know each other,even tho we didn't even say a word to each other"
I breathed out.

The time was beautiful there.
"Everything was so sweet until it all fade away"

I stood up and went back home.

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