Ch 8: The Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill

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Y/n tied the wrap so the knot was against the small of her back, her two sons snug against her breasts. She couldn't take it anymore. She hasn't seen Rex in five months, he's missed so much, their sons missed him. Her advisor told her to stay on the planet while her father was still loose but she had a vague idea of what she was doing. She was welcomed to a meeting with several other senators about the "Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill" and Padme Amidala was going to be there. Where there was Padmè there was Anakin, and where there was Anakin there was going to be Rex. She knew of the relationship between the senior and Jedi so she knew her and Rex's relationship was safe with them. She managed to safely land her ship on the platform and was greeted by a couple of senate guards and Senator Organa.

"Queen Bone-Hawk? What are you doing here? We were expecting you to send your senator." Bail asked as he offered his arm to the queen.

"She was going to come but," She readjusted the wrap holding her sons. "She just lost her father, I'm taking over for her until she is okay to resume her position." She took his arm and they made their way into the senate building.

The Alderanian senator nodded. "Most of us are already gathered, we're just waiting on Senator Amidala."

Y/n's face lit up at the mention of her friend's name. "Would General Skywalker happen to be around as well?"

Bail gave her a confused look. "Why would a Jedi be at a meeting about a bill?" He opened the door for her and they walked inside. "No, this meeting is only for senators."

Padme was the last one to enter the room and embraced y/n when she saw her. "You managed to make it!" She said and looked down at the two sleeping infants. "They've grown so much." She rubber an index finger on Lee's cheek as he cooed in his dream.

Before y/n could reply Bail cleared his throat, gathering everyone's attention before they began the meeting. Half an hour of discussion passed by with arguments until a decision was finally made "We cannot allow the Chancellor to move this enhanced privacy invasion bill forward." He looked around and gained everyone's nod of approval.

"We're all in agreement then." Philo said, his three eyes moving to look around at the rest of the senators.

Gunshots echoed off of the walls, frightening everyone. The twins woke up and began crying. "Hush little ones." Y/n said as she tried to calm her sons. Her eyes watched carefully as a blue man dressed in brown walked in.

"Morning senators," He said in an almost robotic-like voice. "You should all consider yourselves to be in my power. As long as everybody behaves this will be quick and painless, do nothing and it will all be over soon." Two other people and several droids walked in through the other doors. The senators were completely surrounded.

"I don't know who you think you are," Philo stated as he pointed at the man. "But I for one have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence." He walked past the man only for him to fire his gun into the back of his head. Philo fell with a hard thud, y/n used her arm to block her sons from the sight and sound.

"Alright then, if you all would gather in the center of this lovely atrium my coworkers and I will relieve you of any communication devices."

The rest of the man's group went around collecting everyone's comms. A pale woman took y/n's and stared at her sons. "Don't even think about it." The queen growled, causing the woman to laugh.

"I see five of the in the room, if we-" Padmè began speaking only to have Bail cut her off.

"What are we going to do, it's not like we carry weapons.."

Padmè looked over at y/n who only shook her head. "I don't carry any weapons when I have my sons, but I guess that will change from now on."

"Can't you use the force?" Padme asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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