Ch 4: Father

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Anakin and Obi-Wan stood at the doors to the Rapture throne room. Yoda and Mace Windu were standing behind them with the clones. The two Jedi nodded at each other and opened the door and drew their lightsabers.

"End of the line, Dooku, let the queen go." Obi-Wan said.

Rex rushed over to y/n who was laying on the floor. She was covered in cinders and bruises. Her breath was uneven as she tried to catch her breath. "Come on, stay with me." He said.

Dooku readied his lightsaber as droids flooded the room. He grinned. "You are mistaken, Master Kenobi. I am fully welcomed here." He looked at y/n who was clinging onto Rex . "Why not ask her?"

Y/n looked at the man with a dark expression. "Get the hell off of my planet." She said. She pushed herself off of Rex and forc grabbed her lightsabers from across the room. "You guys take care of the droids, I need to finish this."

Anakin was about to protest but stopped when y/n drew her sabers. They were red, just like those belonging to the sith. The droids began to attack, separating everyone.

Dooku's laughter was all y/n could hear as he fought the young queen. "I can feel your hatred for me growing. Join us! You will be a fine apprentice. I've already taught you so much." He pushed her to the ground.

Y/n tried to stand up but fell again. Her leg was shattered. "You aren't going to win this. That isn't hatred you sense." Dooku started to charge at her. She lifted her hand and as electricity flew from her she yelled. "It's love for my people! Something you will never hold!" The electricity spread itself around the room frying any droid in its path before eventually hitting Dooku causing him to fly back and hit a wall. "You are a worthless human and pathetic excuse for a father! You drove my mother into insanity, tried to teach me in the dark ways of the force, and now you try to take my system for your own selfish purposes!" She threw broken droids at her father. "You are the reason I hate having this power! You are why I never use it!" She threw her lightsabers. "You are the reason why I need to hide those damn things from my people!"

"Y/n! Calm down!" Mace Windu yelled. He looked at a few clones and pointed at Dooku. "Arrest him and find her a medic droid."

The Jedi walked over to y/n who was looking at the floor as she wiped tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I should have told you."

Obi-Wan helped the woman up and held onto her. "Why didn't you?" He asked.

"Because I thought that if you knew he was my father then you wouldn't save my people."

Rex ran over to the group. "We have a shuttle ready to take her to the hospital. Healers are waiting for her now." He said. Obi-Wan nodded his head and moved so that Rex could pick y/n up and carry her.

"Take care of her. We need to meet with the rest of the order." Mace said.

Y/n watched the Jedi walk away as she was being carried to the shuttle. "They don't trust me."

Rex sat down and held y/n still to not but her leg anymore. "They would be fools to not trust you. You abandoned your dad's teaching and distanced yourself from him." He looked down at her leg and cringed under his helmet. It was mangled and began to turn a slight shade of purple. He would be surprised if the medics could salvage anything below the knee.

"I guess I'm continuing my family's strange tradition." She laughed. "And I thought I would be the first ruler who didn't have a limb amputated."

The shuttle stopped and medics rushed out of the infirmary and escorted the clone inside to a surgery room where he laid y/n onto a table before getting escorted out. Rex began to walk around the city. Children were running around giving flowers to the clones who were setting up their stations, scholars discussing various topics amongst themselves, couples walking hand in hand, it was the most peaceful he felt in a while.

A short, heavy set woman walked over to the commander. "Are you Rex, sir?" She asked.

Rex nodded his head. "Yes. Is something wrong?"

The woman shook her head, anxiety building up in her. "N-no, sir." She stuttered. "Q-queen y/n wan-wan-wanted me to give this to-o you." She handed him a key. "It's to her-her private qua-quarters. She wants you to meet her there." She turned around and quickly left.

Rex looked at the tiny key in the palm of his hand. "I hope this isn't to meet the rest of the family." He mumbled to himself as he started making his way back to the palace.

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