Ch 1: Arrival

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Troops ran out to the landing pad as the Republic Cruiser landed. The clones readied themselves in case of an attack. The door opened revealing master Obi-Wan Kenobi with a woman covered by a black cloak by his side. The two walked over to Master Yoda who held his hand out to the woman. "Glad that you survived, I am. Saddened by your dethroning, we all are."

The woman placed her hand into Yoda's. "Thank you Master Yoda. We evacuated as many of my people as we could but I am afraid that not everyone was able to make it out on time."

Obi-Wan placed his hand on the woman's shoulder. "You were doing the right thing, we received transmissions from a few of the other ships." He pointed at the smaller ship that was landing on the next platform. "The younglings have just arrived and will be in good care until their guardians arrive."

Rex watched the woman speak to the two Jedi masters. "The Queen of Rapture, a small planet of underwater cities a few systems away." Anakin said as he walked up next to the clone. "Count Dooku just launched an attack on her system."

"What are we going to do? Wasn't that a valuable planet for a base?" He asked.

Skywalker nodded his head. "Master Obi-Wan told me that she has a plan." He nudged the commander's side. "Raptured women are said to be some of the greatest warriors in the galaxy." He walked over to his master and motioned for Rex to follow.

A large group of children ran up to the Raptured Queen and hugged her as she picked up the smallest two. "It's going to be okay, my loves, we are safe here." She looked over at Anakin and Rex. "Hello, you must be Master Skywalker, you were assigned to protect my people?" She asked as she pulled down the hood from her head revealing her h/c hair and beautiful e/c eyes.

Rex caught himself in a trance looking at her. She was absolutely the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He could feel his face heat up as she looked into his brown eyes. For a second he felt the galaxy stop.

"Yes, Queen y/n Bone-Hawk." Anakin said bringing Rex out of his thoughts. "And this is Commander Rex, he is in charge of the clones who will be guarding you."

Y/n smiled at Rex causing him to blush more under his helmet. "Thank you. I can promise that the children will not get in the way."

Master Yoda looked at a few of the children. "Feel the force in them, I do." He said.

Y/n looked back at the short green Jedi. "Most of us are force sensitive but we've only just come out of hiding a few years ago. We only know what our ancestors have taught us."

The group started walking towards the Jedi temple. "A few of them nigh be too old to start training but it looks like most of them are still of age." Obi-Wan said.

Y/n stopped walking and crouched down to be eye level with the children. "Would you want to be trained by the Jedi?" The little ones nodded their heads and y/n stood back up. "Then you shall train them to be great Jedi."

The group stopped outside of a large circular room with twelve chairs lining it. A few of the Jedi masters were already sitting inside along with a couple of holograms. "A quick test with each one, we will do. Hours, this will take." Yoda said as he entered the room.

Anakin looked at y/n. "A safe house has been prepared for you and your people. They will need to blend in with our society to avoid attention being drawn to you." He looked at Rex. "Go ahead and take her. The other Raptured should be arriving soon."

"Yes sir." Rex said as Anakin entered the room. "Please follow me, Queen Bone-Hawk." He said as he started walking down the hall toward the shuttle area.

Y/n let out a small laugh as she walked next to the commander. "You don't need to be so formal with me. Please just call me y/n, all of my citizens do."

Rex nodded his head. The two walked out onto the shuttle platform where they met with two other clones. "Cody? Wolffe? What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"The Queen ran away with over five hundred citizens, twenty three of them being in her royal court." Cody said as he and Wolffe took off their helmets. "I already have Fives setting up security around the building."

Wolffe smirked and walked over to y/n. "You must be Queen y/n Bone-Hawk." He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You are more beautiful than I imagined."

Y/n blushed and brought her hand to her chest. "Thank you but what is this about an entire building? Won't that attract too much attention?" She said in a worried tone.

Rex helped y/n onto the shuttle. "There is over five hundred of you, we can't fit everyone into a small area."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "You clearly have not spoken to the soldiers who helped us."

The shuttle too off. Y/n looked out of the window watching the city and cars fly past them for five minutes before docking. "We're here." Cody said as they walked onto the platform.

Y/n looked around with awe. "Is this where my people are going to stay?"

Fives walked around the corner. "No, they are staying in the floors below here. This is for you and your family."

Y/n gave him a confused look. "I don't have family that I still associate myself with." She walked into the main living area and removed her cloak revealing the flowing white shirt and black tights she was wearing.

"But Skywalker said that you still have parents and siblings. Did they not come with you?" Wolffe asked.

Y/n shook her head. "My mother went insane when I turned five, that's how I became queen, my father is not to be trusted, and if I have any siblings I can almost guarantee that they are already dead."

"What about any of those children? Surely one of them has to be yours." Wolffe asked.

Y/n shook her head again. "My husband and child passed during a civil war that broke out five years ago." The clones looked surprised at how calmly she answered Wolffe. Y/n looked at them and panicked a little realizing she was speaking to people who do not know her customs. "It's not what you think. It is custom for the Queen to be married at least once. One of the councilmen had a son a year older than me and he had a son as well. We married when I was fifteen. His father thought he could abuse his new relationship to me and tried to close off all contact we had with the other systems. A war broke out a year later. I was free from marriage and he was excited for crimes against my people."

Another shuttle docked outside and Obi-Wan stepped out with a small girl on his hip. "Your people are full of surprises, y/n. Almost all of the younglings show the ability to use the force." He set the girl down and she ran to y/n, climbing into the Queen's lap. "She is the only one who didn't show any signs."

Y/n kissed the girls head. "That is rare for my people but it makes sense that she doesn't have the ability."

"You're starting to confuse me with all of this information." Fives said.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Those who do not possess the ability become priests or priestess, healers. Shakahh's mother is a priestess while her father is a warrior. Her twin received the ability while she didn't."

Obi-Wan sat next to y/n. "They will be exposed to a different way of life once they start training. They cannot have emotional or materialistic attachments. Are you sure you want them to continue their training?"

Y/n nodded her head. "They all admire the Jedi. They fall asleep to stories of their great deeds." She could hear people talking on the floors below her. She looked at the child. "It's time to go back to your parents, Shakahh." She said.

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