Ch 2: The kiss

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"My people are in danger, we need to launch a counterattack! I will not allow the separatists to corrupt the people of Rapture!" Y/n looked at Master Yoda. "My people may not have Jedi training but they know everything that our ancestors have taught us. If we can just show them that there is hope," Her voice started to crash as tiers threatened her eyes. "they will fight back. I don't want them to die without a fight."

Yoda though in silence for a minute before softly humming. "Strong with the force, you are. Feel their suffering, you can. Tell us, who came with you?" He asked.

Y/n took a breath. "I brought several families from each class; farmers, healers, teachers, soldiers, not just my court. I tried to evacuate everyone who wanted to keep our freedom but those who sided with the separatists had other plans."

Yoda looked at Master Mace Windu then back at y/n. "We will discuss a counterattack but we will need supplies and free travel through your system." Mace said.

Y/n smiled for the first time in weeks. "Whatever you need you can have! Thank you so much!" She quickly bowed before leaving, her long layered purple ombré dress flowing behind her.

Yoda squinted a bit, deep in thought. "Is something wrong, Master Yoda?" Plo Koon asked.

"Strong with the force, she is. Unable to use this power, her mother was. Concerned about who her father is, I am." The green Jedi replied.

Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his beard. "You saw it too then?"

"What are you talking about, Master?" Anakin asked.

"The lightsabers on her hip. They look too similar to some of the ones we've seen the Sith using."

Saesee spoke up. "Do you think this is a trap? I didn't sense anything."

Yoda shook his head. "No. The whole story, she is hiding. Watch her in battle, we must."

Rex watched y/n smile the whole ride back to her safe house. "There is nothing wrong with being attracted to her, right? No! You are to protect her! You are just a clone! Besides, she would never share these feelings for me." He argued in his head.

"It's beautiful." Y/n said.

"Yeah, you are." Rex replied not realizing what he said.

Y/n gave him a curious look. "What?"

"I mean it is! Coruscant is a really pretty place to look at in the evening!" He panicked as the shuttle stopped at the safe house. He helped y/n out and into the living area. The dim lights turned on giving the room a warm glow. She looked like an angel. His angel to protect.

Y/n sat on the crescent shaped couch and looked out of the large window at the sunset. "This reminds me of home a bit."

Rex sat down next to her and removed his helmet. "Can you tell me about Rapture?"

Y/n smiled. A droid walked over holding a platter with wine and two glasses. She took one. Rex hesitated for a second before taking the other. "The walkways are glass tunnels that weave in and out of different buildings and reefs. They are illuminated by a glowing coral day and night. The sky is never clear from them but that is what our sky buildings are for." She started drinking her wine. "There are five sky buildings in total; the observatory, ship hub, hospital, star garden, and military base. They all surround the palace." She took a holochip out of her sleeve and turned it on revealing an image of her palace. It was a large building made from coral and rock in a complicated design. "My grandfather's great great great great grandparents built it when the island started to sink. It's supposed to look like the palace from way back then." She finished her wine. "Some people say that the coral is just wrapped around the original palace and I think that might be true."

Rex smiled and looked at the night sky. "I hope to see it sometime."

Y/n stood up and stretched before stumbling a little. Rex stood up and offered himself as support. "I'm sorry. I normally don't drink." She laughed.

The clone walked y/n to her room and sat her on her bed. "You need to get some rest. Your request should have an answer tomorrow."

Y/n smiled and gently pulled Rex a little closer before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank you." She took off her shoes and laid down.

Rex left y/n's room and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door with a red face as he touched his lips. "She kissed me... she kissed me! Does this mean she has feelings for me? No! She's drunk! She said she never drinks! It must just be the alcohol." He sighed. "A Queen and a clone." He laughed. "Now that's a ridiculous story." He walked back to the living area and sat on the couch, waiting for morning to come.

Hours passed by slowly. Rex would sleep for thirty minutes then wake up and do his rounds before returning to the couch. Something didn't feel right. He opened the door to y/n's room. He saw her moving as if she were having a nightmare. He walked over to the bed and removed the blankets. He immediately pressed the button on his wrist, calling for backup. Y/n was bound and gagged. He tried to untie her but was knocked out by something hitting the he back of his head.

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