Chapter Two- Return of an old friend

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"Lenlee?" Ashley gasped, staring ahead at the balcony.

"In the flesh, well sorta," Lenlee chuckled, hopping down from the railing and onto the balcony floor.

"I...I thought you were dead?" Ashley could feel the tears forming in her eyes, threatening to pour out at any minute.

"Ha, I wish. Sorry Ash, but you can't get rid of me that easily." Lenlee giggled.

"" Ashley asked, she was certain she was crying now.

"The power of friendship. The tears you cried on my grave revived me, you're magic. Congrats." Lenlee jokes, making jazz hands when she said that Ashley was magic.

"But... I never cried on your grave?" Ashley said, confused. She was too overcome with so many emotions at once that she didn't catch on to Lenlee's joke.

"Ouch, that hurts," Lenlee hissed, holding her heart and leaning on the doorframe.

"That is not what I meant! I mean I was sad and cried, and I'm still not completely over it. Yesterday was the first time I visited your grave!" Ashley clarified, waving her hands around. Lenlee chuckled.

"However long have I been gone? You've made yourself too easy to get to. Look at what you've become without me. Tsk tsk." Lenlee waved her finger. Ashley couldn't help but let out a light smile.

"How did you even get here?" Ashley asked.

"Well, I woke up by my grave at night, I thought I was just dreaming and I fell asleep at my mom's grave. So I walked around and everyone I came into contact with ignored me, except their dogs. Who walks their dogs at 9 pm? But anyway, I was walking and Mr. Sanders was still at the café. I tried to walk in but the door was really heavy. Then some guy opened it and walked in a few minutes later, so I quickly went behind him. I knew something was wrong when Mr. Sanders didn't say anything." Lenlee began. Ashley nodded, signaling for her to continue.

"Then I looked behind me, and I couldn't see my reflection in the glass window. I of course thought that was weird. So I tried talking to the old fart, and he ignored me. That's when I decided to go back to the graveyard, and I saw my grave and thought 'so this is how it is now'. I also saw the flowers, and I knew they were from you. So I decided to break into your house and scare the shit out of you when you woke up." Lenlee finished, looking proud of herself.

"How did you even get up here?" Ashley questioned, backing up and sitting on her bed, burying her head in her hands.

"I can fly, and everything in your house I can open normally. I always swore I would come back to haunt you." Lenlee winked at her, walking in the room and sitting next to Ashley.

"I wonder why that is..." Ashley murmured, crossing her legs.

"But I gotta say, Ash, you aged amazingly, you look how a 50-year-old should look," Lenlee teased, smirking.

"Only you can be resurrected and start being an ass right away," Ashley sighed, shaking her head and wiping the tears from her face.

"If you want, we could do the mushy gushy stuff and hug? I know you want to." Lenlee offered. Ashley smiled and hugged Lenlee tightly, who hugged her back. It felt like Lenlee was there but also felt like she was hugging air. Lenlee eventually pulled away from the hug, smiling softly at Ashley.

"You never answered my question earlier, why are you back?" Ashley whispered, holding Lenlee's hand.

"Probably because I left something unfulfilled, did you guys catch my killer~?" Lenlee queried, putting a finger on her chin.

"What do you mean?" Ashley asked, dumbfounded.

"I mean the reason I died, I don't remember how but someone probably killed me," Lenlee explained, laying back on the bed.

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