Chapter 2: One Helluva Boss

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I'm noticing that my chapters are short so I'm trying to make them longer, thus taking more time. Also sorry if the comedy and everything else is forced.           
                      (Blitø's pov)
I sighed as I get my keys to open the doors to my house, I need a break from this hellhole after from those agent spies for a couple of days. I suddenly help in pain from my back. "If hadn't watch porn on my phone while bending down like a fucking jockey upside down on the couch last night, then maybe I wouldn't have this issue." I think out loud in frustration, however I saw some blue lights down the alley way and thought "I swear if it's those fucking slut, jut, rich teenagers again I WILL FUCKING END THEIR EXISTE-" I cover my mouth in surprise, but still get my flint lock and head to it. 'Holy shit I didn't expect that from my own mouth. Must be my back pain or I'm just old...' I thought.

I could now see what was making the source, a large ass portal. I stood there, analyzing it while holding my gun to it, just in case if something comes out. I heard someone, sounds like screaming, I heard coming closer, So I hid behind the dumpster and heard a thump on the ground. I took a peak to see someone in what looks like some military uniform, so I assumed they was a soldier.

I heard them say "Ugh." In a male voice. 'Huh so they're a guy.' I thought. "God damnit my whole body head most specifically." 'Same, expect it's my back.' I thought grinning to myself. "What the hell? Am I'm in..." the soldier said with tension, then taking a long pause before murmuring "hell...".

'Holy shit! A human in hell? Did Stolas do something? But the portal seemed so different so...' I wanted to ask so many questions but held back, however I gained the courage to walk up to the soldier and said "Hey buddy. Watcha doing down here"? Trying to get a conversation out of him "Oh hello." Responded the soldier with politeness "Sorry if I am disturbing you." "Oh you're not disturbing anyone, in fact I would like to ask some questions."

                           (Eli's pov)
Damnit He must have found out about the portal, however I'm gonna try to get on this demon's good side for now. "Ask away." "Good now first of all who are you and what is your name?" I paused for second before explaining myself "I am Eli, One of the many units in the soviet's special forces." "Interesting..." the demon said with curiosity. "Now first of where and how that portal appeared on your end?" "Well it appeared shortly after Rico, my friend picked some green crystal and then boom! The portal appeared." "Ahhh..." The demon now realizing "And what's it to your friend Rico, is he in special forces like you, and did he found the crystal by accident? Also did he jumped in with you?" "All of what you just said is correct. Although I don't understand why he, Robert, and Michael aren't here with me." I said with worry, the demon noticed and try to reassure me "Hey don't worry, I bet they are somewhere else in hell, also who is Robert, and Michael?" "My other 2 friends, I also have one other friend Coal, although he wasn't here to see the portal when it happened." I say before looking at the portal.

"Well okay I think that's enough for today and I presume you look very tired, so since I'm also tired how about I invite you to my apartment room." the demon pleaded, however I completely ignored him and just focused on the portal. "Uh hell-?" "You might want to stay back." I interrupted with seriousness in my tone "This portal should've closed minutes ago, and I feel like some trouble coming our way." the demon said nothing but nods and gets behind me. Two of those aliens come out and the portal finally closes, I don't give them any time to make another movement as roundhouse kick one alien into the open dumpster immediately backflipped behind the other, then grabbed it's arm and head to SLAM into the wall before throwing it at the first one in the dumpster, pulled out and threw a grenade just behind it. The dumpster closed and trapped the two aliens inside with the grenade that just exploded the dumpster, and a hole into the house next to it, killing the two aliens.

I sat against the wall to catch my breath when I heard clapping from the demon and yelled "THAT WAS FUCKING BADASS AND KICKASS AS FUCK!!!" I just chuckled, I was in put in special forces for a reason. I looked up at sky once and it was dark probably night, and I should get out of here. getting ready to take my leave when suddenly felt the demon tugging my shoulder "ayy where are you going?" We just met met and you're going to walk out on me like that?" "Oh sorry, but I have explore hell to get a better knowing of this place." I simply explained. "Oh well I actually have a business I am running called I.M.P, short for Immediate Murder Professionals and after what witnessed I think you would be a perfect recruite Eli! Plus you can stay there, we have food, water..."

"Hmmm..." I stood there for a second thinking 'It wouldn't be bad but still I have know my surroundings.' I say in my head before explaining "I'm going to take it in consideration but I must do what I need to do first." the demon had grown on his and pouted before murmuring "fine..." I finally start to walk out into the streets, but before I left I exclaimed to the demon "Hey! What's your name?" the demon smiled and said "My name is Blizø, the o is silent." Blitz shouted back "Nice to meet you Blitz!" "You too Eli!"

A/N You know I'm still proud of how this chapter turned out! Anywho it's getting late so I sleep, goodnight y'all!

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