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As usual, Macabre_Day had a scowl painted on her face, though she was more tense than normal if that was even possible. All of her feelings kind of blended together in an ocean of frustration and god knows what else. On the outside it didn't look like it, but The Tragedy was scheming. From what she had seen before Joyous was strong, but not that strong. She was most likely stronger bc buff lesbian. Some fish lookin ass bitch got nothing on her.

Macabre had guessed that her being 'relocated' probably meant that Benevolent would be too. She was trying to think more deeply into her plan but Joyous kept humming to himself. So, she attempted to make him shut up, respectfully. The black clad Operative dug her heels into the floor, making Joyous stop and turn to face her, head tilted slightly.
"So uh.. where the [FUCK] are you taking me?" her eyes narrowed slightly. "I'd watch that mouth of yours, [DAY OPERATIVE]~! All will be clear soon enough." Joyous grinned back at her and continued walking, at a faster pace this time. Macabre_Day stumbled slightly at the sudden force but was next to him again before long.
When they got to a split at the end of a long corridor, they stopped. Joyous looked around in what was most likely thought, fish ear thingies twitching slightly. 'must be lost. stupid [REDACTED]." Macabre thought with a grimace. She considered striking now, but if someone who probably lived here was lost she would stand no chance. "Huh. We must have took a wrong turn somewhere." Joyous frowned slightly. Is he even capable of that? "We? I'm the hostage here, you just dragged me along for whatever reason. If anyone should know where we're going it's you." Macabre growled. She considered cursing at him again, but bit back her tongue. The Night's eye twitched again, not that it was exactly noticeable. Unlike some, he preferred to stay on brand no matter how painful or annoying it was. He clapped his hands together, "No matter! The others should have arrived by now. Just one moment."

Taking Macabre by the arm, he used whatever strange powers the Nights possessed to teleport the two of them to a new and unknown location. Joyous was fine and about to continue, but Macabre didn't move. She felt as though she was frozen in time, or like her brain had been left behind. Joyous tapped the side of her head a few times and the Operative shoved his clawed hand away. "Apologies! I've never teleported more than just myself, aha.." He looked down at the floor, smiling like a child caught lying. Macabre's only response was a roll of her dark eye. The usually blinding scarlet glow from her eyepatch was dimmer than before.

Joyous made to move again, and this time Macabre followed. For some reason, the Night thought it was a splendid idea to not even bind the hands of one of the Union's most aggressive Operatives. Well, karma always comes around. Suddenly, Macabre spotted a familiar head of brown hair, and nobody near her. It was risky, sure, but it was the best plan she had. Get rid of Joyous, get to Benevolent. Get out. She refused to wait any longer.


it's about time
I was gonna make stuff escalate this chapter but I thought I'd better give you lot something

sorry for slow updates, schools a bitch :,)

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