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"So.. you're enjoying married life?" I asked.
"Oh Edith, it's the most wonderful and terrible thing that will ever happen to you," said Catherine as she smiled and sighed. Do you have any suitors yet?" I laughed, "none I have found to be a match for me. I suppose I will die an old maid, but I am quite content with my fate," I said sarcastically. Cathrine laughed, "Oh Edith your so dramatic, you're barely five and twenty."

Interrupting our conversation Joanne started pulling on my arm. "Edith, oh Edith look at the men who just got here. Just as I looked up to see who, the soldier who hinted at dancing with me earlier was right in front of us.

"Good evening ladies, he said.  Allow me to introduce myself, I am Private James Montgomery."
"Pleasure to meet you Sir Montgomery, I am Mrs Lukas and this is my dear friend Miss Edith Halifax," said Catherine. I curtsied shyly, he was quite rugged and handsome at the same time. Just then someone began playing music on the piano and Col Aldrich loudly called for all the young folk to have a "jolly dance." "Why Miss Halifax, I would love nothing more then if you would accompany me for this dance." "The pleasure would be mine," I said smiling. And with that he took my hand and led me to the floor. He seemed a very clumsy dancer, but before long I realized I had danced two whole dances with him and started to feel quite flushed. So I thanked him for the splendid time and excused myself to powder my nose.

When I came back to the dance room the music was still playing. I looked around the sides of the room to see if I could spot Mr Montgomery but to my surprise he had already found another dance partner and was enjoying the company of an old family friend, Miss Juliet Smith. A sudden jealous feeling crept inside me as I saw them laughing and smiling as they did the Quadrille dance together. "We'll I supposed I ought to find Catherine again since I don't expect another gentlemen that is as single and qualified as Sir Montgomery to ask me to dance," I thought.

Just then Uncle Walter tapped me on the shoulder and I whirled around to see two tall gentlemen standing beside him. They both looked very rich and handsome, one with dark hair and one with blond. "Edith dear, I'd like to introduce you to our new neighbors," said Uncle. I gulped not prepared for an introduction. "A Mr William Landry and a Mr Charles Alcott." They both bowed and I curtsied. "Pleasure to meet you miss Halifax, said mr Alcott, me and my good friend William were honored to be invited to your families party, I've never been to a small country party, but I must say I don't expect they could be better then the one your family has managed to throw." "Why thank you Mr Alcott, I'm happy to know you're enjoying it," I said. Mr Landry looked down at me and winced. "I do think we should be leaving soon aye Charles?" "Not until I have a good country dance, said Mr Alcott. Miss Halifax would you do me the honor?" "Of course," I said. Before we took to the floor I noticed Mr Landry leave the room and wait near the door for his friend to be done.
"How can the kind gentleman dancing with me be such good friends with that man," I thought.  We danced happily and when we were done I walked Mr Alcott to the door.
"It was a pleasure to have you both come," I said. "Oh the pleasure is all ours Miss Halifax," said Alcott. "I suppose happy thanksgiving is in order," said Mr Landry. "Happy thanksgiving to you both as well," I said. "We certainly hope to see you and your family again soon," said Alcott as he waved from the carriage.

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