The Christmas Ball

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The cold carriage ride to the ball helped cool my once tearful face. But as the building drew nearer I knew I needed some time to ease my countenance before being in company all night, so I asked uncle to let me out so I could walk the rest of the way there. "Very well, said uncle Walter, wear your cape head cover so you don't go catching a cold."
And with that, The coachmen stopped the carriage and John helped me out. Letting go of my hand he looked up at me, "be careful Edith, I'll be waiting outside for your arrival," he said.
"Thank you, John, I said, but I'm sure I'll be fine."

As the carriage took off I breathed in the cold air. "Hm this is just what I needed, I said out loud." As I began to walk toward the large building several carriages passed by me.
They're probably heading to the ball, I thought.
I made it to a large frozen fountain as a light snow began to fall. Our first snowfall I thought, taking my long white glove off and putting my hand out to catch the flakes. It was always a tradition when Father was here to run out and catch the first snowflakes. I laughed as I pranced around the fountain catching them in my hand.

"Ahem," coughed a deep voice.
I twirled around to see who it was. There on a black horse sat Mr Landry looking at me.
"Excuse me miss, are you looking for something? Is everything alright," Asked Mr Landry. He hopped off his horse and led it closer to me. "Mr Landry, I curtsied, I was just catching the snowflakes." "Oh it's you, he said in an amused tone as he neared me. "Catching snow?" He asked. "Yes sir, it was a tradition I had with my father before he, well, before he."
Interrupting me he answered, "it's alright, I understand, you are far more temperate then I ought to be in your situation." "Ought to be?" I questioned. "Yes we'll, I suppose we should go in Miss Halifax," He said ending the conversation. He put his hand out to walk me up the ball entrance steps.
"But what will people think when they see us walking in together?" I said bashfully.
"I try not to care so much what people think," he said.
That explains a lot I thought. As we neared the entrance door John called out to me, "miss Edith, he said, I was looking out for you, is everything okay?" William looked at me for my response. "Everything is perfectly fine, I said, but would you mind taking my cape to the coat room?" I asked. "Of course," John said

As we entered the beautifully decked room the soft glow of candle light greeted my face and music filled my ears. "I hope you'll save at least  one dance for me this evening," he said as he bowed. "Of course," I said confused.
Then he turned and left to find his friend.

What just happened? I thought.
Interrupting my thoughts mother tapped on my shoulder, "Edith I expected you sooner than this, is everything okay?" "Everything is fine, it just started to snow so I stayed out a minute more."
"I pray you don't catch yourself a cold."
"No need to worry Mama I wore my gloves and cape and" -  just then I realized.. my glove, it wasn't on my arm. I took it off to catch the snow..
"I think I left my glove outside on the fountain," I said. Mother frowned at me, " I guess I'll have to tell John to go fetch it, but you start mingling," she said.

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