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Aj POV: 

     In order to believe what I'm about to say you have to get ride of your sense of reality. Everything you have been taught, forget it. Why? Because I am Aj Wulfric, the Shadow. 

     Ok, so before you question why I'm called Shadow know that I didn't pick the name. CatCo did. Anyways they picked the name Shadow because I can turn invisible or as some people say "I'm one with the shadows. ". Some reporter named Kara Danvers wrote that. After it happened people started to pick up the name shadow. 

     CatCo thinks I'm an adult so they write about me like I am. I mean I wear a mask so it's not surprising. In reality I am only sixteen. I go to high school, 10th grade to be exact. Do I really need to go to school no. But school is the only thing that I can use to relate to people. I doubt I could find someone else that can swing from building to building off webs they got from being bite by a spider or someone who can turn invisible. Anyways about the I don't need to go to school thing well I'm kinda like Batman. See my parents ran a company called Pyro Corp. They died.

     Pyro Corp. was a billion dollar company based around fire safety. They made fire proof everything. I don't know how it managed to make so much but it did. After they died I got the money from them and I got the company. They died when I was eleven so I didn't have much knowledge on running a business so I relied on the Luthors. When Lex went to jail I started to work with Lena. Lena was actually the first person to know about my powers and made me my suit. (picture at top)

     Other than the money and powers I'm a normal kid. I have a best friend named Mikey. Mikey's family doesn't have a lot but they are all really close. I have known Mikey and his family sense I was seven. When my parents died they took me in without second thought. I am forever grateful to them. Mikey is my only friend but Mikey has a lot of his own friends but will always choose me when it comes down to it. I haven't told him about my powers, I want to protect him. There are many people that want me dead and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him. 

     Sometimes people think we are dating but really I'm lesbian and Mikey has a girlfriend. Plus I have a massive crush on a girl named Ruby Arias. Ruby moved here when she was fourteen. She is now seventeen though. But god she is just so pretty. (I know Ruby was twelve when she was on Supergirl but for the story she will be older. Also have you seen who plays her). She is a year older than me but I think I have a chance. I think this is enough of a background so lets get into the actual story. 



     I'm standing on top of CatCo's roof looking down towards the ground. My mask has built in night vision so I can see at night. Is it truly not needed because of the city lights but it's a nice touch. Lena added a bunch to my suit like back up webs, mine come natural but it makes her feel better if I have a backup. She also added voice and facial recognition, I'm not even mad about that one it has come in handy. But the one that take the cake is the emergency hotline she put in, basically whenever my heart rate is below 50 it makes an auto call right to Lena's cell. You may think this means she cares and she wants to be supportive and yeah I get that but guess what happens when I'm just chilling on top of  roof. LENA GETS A CALL!

     Anyways back to me being on top of CatCo. Sometimes Supergirl will try to figure out who I am but quick hint: it doesn't work. Usually she doesn't because she works during the day and tries to sleep at night but not like me. I don't need much sleep, maybe it's the spider in me. As I'm looking down at the city I see something. A group of people trying to rob a gas station. Why a gas station? I jump off the edge doing a small flip on the way down. Right before I hit the ground I shoot a web at a building swinging until I reach the gas station. 

     The three guys look up at me. "A gas station really? That's the best you could do?" I spoke to them. 

     One tries to punch me but I web him against the wall. The second guy tries to go behind me but I just duck before tackling him to the ground. I web his feet before making the web touch the celling. I have a quick laugh because he is upside down. I look at the third guy and he pulls out a pocket knife. "Is that knife? A real knife?" I ask pretending to be scared. 

     "Yes it's a real knife." The guy answers back.

     "Oh my weakness it's small knifes." The sarcasm clear in my voice as I pretend to fall to the ground with my hands up. He looks at me before stepping closer. I web both his arms then his legs to the wall. "It's easy it's so easy." I look at what I stopped before the cops show up. 

     "Who are you?" One yelled out before another "Put your hands up!". I turn towards the criminals before saying "No on seems to grasp the concept of the mask."

     I look towards the cop who now has a gun pointed at me. I jump and grab his gun before pointing the handle at him. "I just did 80 percent of your job for you. You should be thanking me." I dropped the gun and swung away. 

     If you haven't seen the cops don't like me. Sure they love Supergirl but me no they wish I was dead. Like what you still scared of spiders? Anyways I swung until I reached Lena's apartment. When I reached her place it seemed to have other people. That one blond reporter and others. Were they playing games? You know now isn't the right time to ask questions. It's dark so no one will see me change. I had left my backpack on her balcony so I put on the jeans and hoodie from in the bag before throwing my suit in said bag. I wasn't badly hurt just a minor head injury that wasn't even made in the fight. No I hit my head on a street light.

     I knock on the widow lightly to see if Lena would hear. She didn't but the reporter did, she looked me dead in the eyes before tapping Lena. Lena looks at the window and when she sees me she quickly come to the window. She opens the window before pulling me inside. "What are you doing up so late?" Lena asks me looking me up and down for injuries. 

     She sees my cut on my head and pulls me into the kitchen. She points to the counter and says a stern sit. I do as told and sit down. Lena starts to mumble about how I need to be more careful and that I'm gonna get myself killed. She stands back between my legs trying to clean the cut. I grab her hands before she can touch me. I pressed my head against hers before whispering "I'm ok. Everything is fine."

     This calmed her a little because her body slightly relaxed. I have a small smile before she hit the back of my head. "Stop being stupid." She told me with a small giggle. I go to respond but someone clears their throat. Lena and I quickly turn to face them. 

     "That was a sweet moment but who are you?" Some girl with brown hair spoke. 

     "Oh I'm sorry this is Aj. Aj this is Kara and Alex Danvers, Alex's girlfriend Maggie Swayer, James Olsen, Winn Schott, and Sam Arias who you already know." Lena explained. I looked at Maggie and was trying to connect some dots. Holy shit that is detective Swayer. 

     "Actually I know detective Swayer as well." I spoke to the group for the first time. She tilted her head towards me, wanting me to continue. So I did "She worked my parents death. She wasn't the main person but she was at the crime scene. Gave my a paper and a coin." I grabbed my back pack before finding the coin in one of my pockets.

     I flip the coin towards her. She caught it easily. Maggie studies the coin before raising her head. "Where did you get this?" Her voice came more angry than anything else.

     "Aw you don't remember me?" I said to her. Not going to lie her not remembering my name kinda hurt. Maybe I didn't make as much of an impact on her life like she did mine. looking down at the counter I speak again, "You gave it to me the last day of the case. Said "Even when things don't look like they could go up hope. Because when you have hope you give others hope, and sometimes hope saves a life." I still follow your words. Even stopped me from killing my self." No one said anything after that.

     I jump off the counter before walking towards Maggie. "I don't expect you to remember me." As I said this I took the coin from her. "See you later Lena." I spoke towards Lena. As I walked out of her house I could hear a faint text me when you get back. I went home but not before stopping a car jacking and getting a soda. 

Shadow// Ruby Arias x OCWhere stories live. Discover now