Death By a Thousand Cuts

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Aj's POV:

I want it to end. I want it all to end. The last note brought me nowhere. I stared at my hands in defeat before screaming and everything and nothing at the same time, "WHY?! WHY ME?". Slowly my screams turned into weak sobs as I realized that nothing is getting better. I begin to walk home before something hits me, spiders and where it first came was in LCorp. Lena had been testing mutant animals (something that has since stopped), and her damn spider bit my neck. When I say that was an annoying subway ride home I mean it. I quickly ran home and grabbed the mask I used before I told Lena about my new 'skills' and ran to LCorp. Oddly the building was surrounded by DEO agents. I swing to a building nearby and take a look at what I have to deal with. They have guards around the building grounds and all roof access. This means I have to go in from one of the mid level balconies. I take a quick glance at my clothes and deem them LCorp worker clothes. I get to the closest building I can and jump as far as I can.

My hand drags along the smooth glass windows before being able to grab on. I quietly drag myself up and take a quick look inside before slipping past the doors and entering the building on what I believe is the third floor. I shove my mask in my pocket before walking by the multiple desks until I reach the stairs. I could do this the boring way and take it one stair at a time or I could jump from stair rail to stair rail. I reached the sixth floor and walked out. Now this floor is used mainly for storage and building other things made from scrapes, however it used to be used for animal mutation. I walked around the empty floor before spotting a lamp that was turned on, under that is another fuckign note. My head falls as I take the note in my hand before peeling back the paper to reveal the letter.

Shadow oh Shadow,

One more letter and you are done. Don't we love ending things, well this last clue ends with a life ending question. Now now I wouldn't make it a harsh decision no I wouldn't. Lets keep this clue simple: Go to where your phone is.


What does he mean my phone? I reach to grab it out of my jacket pocket and my phone is gone. I started to frantically look around for anyone who could've snatched it but the room was dark but maybe not as empty as I thought. Suddenly my watch lights up with coordinates. I swing out and head to the coordinates awaiting what comes.

Kara's POV:

Lena has been a mess since Aj started acting crazy. Alex hasn't been able to get a location until someone called in cellphone footage of someone jumping onto LCorp and climbing in the door. I flew over with Alex before an idea hit me. If we catch her she's going to try to escape so let's see where she goes. Seeing Aj swinging out of the building and looking at her watch made me even more curious about what's about to happen. We go about a mile or two into the desert before she stops and just looks around. Suddenly someone appeared behind her and then as fast as they appeared they both disappeared.

Aj's POV:

I finally made it to the location I only got a glance before I felt the all too familiar feel of being dragged backwards. Suddenly I am in front of my apartment door. Cautiously I opened the door to find someone sitting on the couch. The man slowly gets up and extends his hand to me, "I'm Quin. It's so great to meet you face to face Aj." What the hell.. "I know you must be wondering why. However, I will answer all questions after you answer mine."

My mind is racing, how does he know my name? What's his question? Why did it have to be me? "Ask it?" That's all I could manage to get out before he pulls both of us to the couch.

He wears a stupid smirk like he knows something I don't, "Aj would you say you put others before yourself?" I gave him a small nod before he continued, "I know for a fact that you've made questionable decisions in the past so I would like to give you a chance for all of them to be forgiven."

"Why the hell would your forgiveness mean anything to me? You kidnapped my mother and you think that I'm gonna be happy you are offering forgiveness the answer is no."

He lets out a god awful laugh and replies, "That is true though I would watch your tone with me. I can let out who the Shadow is or even better who Supergirl is." My eyes widened as shock ran through my body.

"What was the original question?" I had to give him what he wanted. I couldn't hurt Kara like that.

He gets closer before the words I didn't want to hear were said, "I give you Lena and in return, I will tell the world either who the Shadow is or tell them who Supergirl is. Which do you prefer?"

"How do I know that you won't say both our names?" This was bad all the way around.

"You just have to trust me." That was the final straw.

I jumped out of my seat and grabbed him by the next. Before I could land a hit he threw me against the wall. Hitting my head the world started to shake before I gained my balance and ran towards him. I punched him and got him to the floor before I was pulled somewhere else. He started to appear everywhere like a mirror maze. I started to shoot webs at every walk eventail finding him and pulling him towards me before clotheslining him. Watching his head hit the floor sent a rush through me before I got on top of him and hit his face. I could feel his blood mixing with the blood on my knuckles before I let up slightly, his breath was ragged and blood was being coughed up onto my suit. Before I can lay another hit he speaks, "I guess you choose yourself, have fun Aj. Oh and I never had Lena." Before I can see his eyes roll back. Anger is all I can feel. I grabbed him and started to bang him against the floor and punch him until I couldn't anymore. Suddenly I feel myself being lifted into the air and rushed through the sky. I was too tired to fight the person on it and just let myself be taken back while tears slowly dripped out of my eyes.

Kara's POV:

When I saw Aj again she was on top of a man beating him to death. I grabbed her and flew her to the DEO while she was crying softly. The man was no doubt dead, he had choked up blood, the back of his head was busted open and bleeding, heck even his eyes were bleeding. I placed her down on one of the DEO beds and crouched down in front of her. "Aj what happened?" My voice was soft but all it made her do was cry harder. I've never seen this girl cry so it was shocking she was now. I did the only thing I could and called Lena. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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