She kissed me

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Walking back to my apartment I realize that no matter how much I try and think through another solution than leaving. Alex is probably right, Mickey doesn't like me, the city hates me, Kara doesn't like me bringing criminals and bad aliens to Lena, I've caused more damage in the past week than Supergirl has ever. Maybe I could head to Australia and learn to surf.. well surf better. Instead of heading to my apartment I swing to the top of the highschool looking out towards the city.

The sun is slowly starting to set on National City. The sky emits a blend of reds, purples, and oranges. The city is starting to slow for the night. I look around before ripping off the mask. No one would be climbing to the top of a school at this time anyways. I lean back against the roof looking at the sky for something, anything. As darkness slowly seeps its way into view and the street lights are the only thing lighting the streets, I feel relaxed. I closed my eyes and basked in the light breeze of the chilly night air. However the peace doesn't last long when I hear a small squeak come from above my head. My eyes snap open and I grab whoever was above me and put them into a headlock, their back laying on my stomach. "Who are you?" I ask angrily. The girl's head turns to face me and gets out of the hold. That's when I realize it's Ruby. 

I quickly push her away and reach for my mask. Only to find out that she is holding my mask. I try to grab it from her grip but she backs away. "You're the spider-dork?!" Ruby asked me, shocked. "I mean I don't call myself that but" "No no no you can't be them." Ruby cuts me off. 

I reach out for my mask one more time but again she steps back. "Please just give me my mask." I ask her almost begging.

"That's how you knew. How you knew I was going to LCorp. Were you always going to hide this from me?" She asks slowly, getting more angry. "Is that why Mickey is anywhere but with you?" That was what tipped me over the edge.

"You don't have the right to say that to me." I get up close to her face before ripping my mask out of her hands. She backs up until her feet hit the edge of the building's roof. "You think you know me so well but you don't." I tell her my voice is quiet but harsh. I take another step causing her to lose balance and wobble on the edge, her hands instinctively grabbing my arm and trying to steady herself. Our lips close to each other feeling the hot breath hit each other in the face.

"I'm sorry Aj" is all that she says before laying her head on my suit and wrapping her arms around my waist. Suddenly I feel a burn in my back. Without thinking it through I push Ruby out of my arms and at the same time off the building. I turn to fight whoever is responsible for hurting me to hear Ruby yelling out. I feel my heart drop as I turn to jump after Ruby. Shooting a web at her body and bringing her close to me as I hit a web against a nearby building. Noticing my mask if off she tries to hide my face as best as possible.

I look over her face trying to find anywhere that could be hurt, "Are you alright? I'm so sorry! Ruby, does anything hurt at all?" My questions come out frantic and disoriented. She laughs a little before nodding. "Wait wait wait why aren't you scared being this high?" I am confused on why she wasn't freaking out.

"I trust you." There was no hesitation in her words. I gave her a smile before we heard a loud buzzing coming towards us. When it came close enough I recognized the noise as a news helicopter. A loud sigh comes from my mouth as I drop my head into Ruby's neck. I hear her adorable giggle before she stops suddenly. I look up at her and see her looking back at me. "You aren't wearing your spider-dork mask." My head snaps up at this information.

"What do we do?! I can't have them knowing who I am and that camera is going to get to us at any moment!" My brain starts spiraling and spilling out everything that comes to my head. Ruby looks around for my mask and finds it on the ground below the building we were on. I must have dropped it when I went to grab her. "If you promise not to drop me, I'll be your eyes until we get your mask." Confused at her statement I go to ask but before I can she shoves my face into her and pushes off the wall.

"Right building 10-12 feet away!" I shoot my wrist out and am able to get my webs on the building. Swinging through the air blind is a lot scarier than I would ever tell anyone. "Take a left and there is a building 3 feet away." Her yelling directions and me following them makes me feel odd but in a good way? Without knowing where I was being taken I blindly followed her directions and it sounded like we escaped the helicopter. "We are going to my room so beware and ready." I bring my head out of her neck so I can land safely against the wall of her apartment and guide her in. That's when the helicopter returned. She hears this as well and drags me into her room by my suit and quickly covers her blinds. She stands there for a moment until the copter leaves and starts laughing. I start laughing with her when she lays down next to me.

We both lay next to each other laughing until a thought comes to my mind, "Lena is going to kill me for losing that mask." While I am contemplating Lena killing me, Ruby starts giggling harder. I turn to look at her giving a soft smile when I see her face full of joy. She turns to look at me and finds our faces almost touching. Both of us slowly leaned in to close the gap between us. My lips are ghosting over hers before I stop, "May I kiss you?" Although we were this close and she doesn't seem to be pulling away I would never want her to feel pressured. Her breath is hot against my lips and she whispers out a yes. Right before I was able to touch her lips, her mom busted through the door causing us to quickly roll away and me to roll under the bed.

"RUBY! What were you doing?! I am at work and Lena comes to tell me that my daughter is swinging around the city with the spider-thing!" Sam's words make me flinch not because she doesn't know my name but because of the hatred she has towards me. "You know how scared I was that you would fall and hurt yourself!" Sam stops her rant and grabs Ruby pulling her into a hug to make sure she knows Ruby is still there. Soon Sam and Ruby stop talking and Sam leaves the room letting me breath out very loudly making Ruby giggle before dropping a hand down to help me from under the bed.

"Let's find this mask of your right?" With that she kisses me on the lips before walking out of her room and leaving me jaw dropped in the middle of her floor.

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