I wear a mask

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What do I do now. I hurt the one person I swore never to hurt, Lena deserves time with just her and her girlfriend, I have no family to go home to, I can't even by a dog. I just walked around the city aimlessly. I ended up at my company "Pyrocorp", usually Lena or Emilia (my CFO) control and manage my business. I walked towards my building, I probably sleep here tonight. I walked through the door before greeting Monica who acted as kinda a greeter, "Hey Monica."

     "Aj! Hi it has been a while since you came here." Monica said surprised I was in the building. I lightly laugh and nod my head walking towards the elevators. Once I reach mine and Emilia's floor I stepped off and turn to find her. I find her sitting in her office doing something I can't tell what from where I stand.

    "Milia, how has life been treating you?" I asked leaning against the door way and making myself known. Her head snaps up meeting my eyes. She takes a look at me before jumping up and going to hug me. We hug for about a minute before she pulls apart and grabs my face.

     "God Aj where have you been? I have been so worried and you haven't called or texted." Emilia spoke. She had slight tears in her eyes. I should have called her.

     "I know, I know. I'm so sorry. I should have but I forgot I know that's not an excuse but it's the truth." I told her not moving so she understood I was safe. Emilia knew my secret but she also knew I could get hurt and die like any other human. She slightly nodded before dropping her hands.

     "Well now that you are here, you can do the paper work you have yet to do." Emilia said with a small smirk.

     "Why the hell are you smirking? It's not like there is a lot of paper work." I told her. Milia laughs at me before walking into a closet and grabbing a stack of paper. She hands it all to me before going back to her desk. "Why the hell is there so much? The papers go up to my face what is this!"

     "I would email you it but they want it done by hand. Plus it's not like you answer my emails." Emilia says while shooing me out of her office. I drop the papers on my desk before going back to her room.

    I stick my head into her office before saying "One more thing, do you by any chance have a pen?" She cocks an eyebrow at me before picking one up and throwing it at me. I catch it before dropping it  immediately. I look at my hand that now has a light burn mark from where the pen hit. "Jesus Emilia. I can't touch only one thing cobalt and what do you throw towards me a fucking cobalt pen!"

     Emilia jumps and rushes towards me, "Oh shit that's right can I do anything? Should I call Lena she knows more about this than I do."

     "No I'm fine it just hurts like hell." I told her before walking towards her desk. "I'm going to take this and do my paperwork." I tell her while holding up a pen from her desk.



     I still haven't talked with Mikey I know I should but I haven't yet. I spent the night in my office last night. I'm probably going to leave halfway through school, I just don't feel like being here. I walked into class and sat down like a normal person. I look for Mikey knowing we share the same first period. Mickey wasn't sitting in his seat so I end him a text. "Yo why aren't you in class?" I click send before the bell rings.

     This class is one of the most boring classes I have to take. It's AP statistics, now It's not that I hate this teacher. I just hate this class. I only picked this class because Mikey asked me too. Anyways I have to finish a design for a new suit piece that Lena asked me for. I was think like a grappling hook type design. I want it to be able to fit into a small topic and then catching the side of the wall without having an edge for the grappling hook to catch too.



     It's lunch time so It's time to leave school for the day. I start walking out of the school before I hear my phone ding. "I'm fine Aj. Talk later." Well this didn't go how I wanted it to. I walk behind the school and put on my suit before swinging away. I hear a loud smash from a couple blocks away so I turn left and start swinging towards the noise.  Once I get there I see a large blue alien trying to smash a coffee shop. "Hey blueberry didn't you ever get told to be quiet in coffee shops?" I yell to him.

     Instead of an answer, he just turns and starts running toward me. "Where are your manners? Didn't you know it's rude to mouth breath into a persons face?" Ok so I may be pushing my limits but hey it's funny. Alien guy didn't find this funny as he charged straight towards me and tries to grab my body. Before he can grab me I jump and web to his face, kicking him with the force of my swing making him take a few steps back. I go to run at him but before I can someone grabs the back of my collar. "What the hell are you doing!" I yell over my shoulder at the agent the grabbed my collar.

     He doesn't answer just starts dragging me away. I could have fought back but I didn't and just let him pull me. He stopped in front of another agent, Agent Danvers. Before I could ask why they wanted me to get out of the fight but then Supergirl swooshes down and punches the alien into the ground. Well she ended the fight but I could have also done that. Alex turns to me with a stern expression and says, "We need to talk right now Shadow." Ah shit.

Alex puts me in the back of the car before getting herself. She doesn't say anything but she keeps glaring at me. If I didn't know any better I would think she's mad at me... Eh probably not. Once we pull up to the DEO she gets out before grabbing my arm and pulling me through the doors. She takes us to this conference like room before sitting me in a chair and standing opposite of me. "You need to stop acting like a hero and get your act together before someone finds out the truth." Her words were sharp almost like it was a knife dragging across my skin.

I stare into her eyes before I speak out, "There is no way anyone would figure out my identity."

She gives a sarcastic laugh before hardening up again. "You don't know that. All you do is parade around the city acting like you are helping. But all you do is destroy things." Her eyes never left me almost as if wanting to find a reaction under my mask.

     "I wear a mask. If that is all I will leave there nothing here for me anyways." I tell her trying to seem more okay with this than I am.

    "Good." With that she walked out. I drop my head and move to leave the room. Maybe she is right, I have no one here except Lena. I'll just tell her it's a vacation and who knows maybe she will enjoy time away from me.

Shadow// Ruby Arias x OCWhere stories live. Discover now