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Hi everyone , in this chapter we are going to talk about Overthinking , a term that is present in every human being mostly teenagers and 18-25 year old people [I'm sorry if you are one of these but I'm talking about "mostly"] 

Overthinking comes from a small problem that our mind creates it into a big one, we often think that "what will happen if this happens" , "if I do this what will happen" , "I'm done with this now what the next step I should take , will it cause something bad?"  and many-many more
now the actual question comes that "why do we overthink" ok now a small example :- your very important exam is coming up ................................. now you are thinking about this topic like others are way better than me etc. etc. etc! and at the end it always ends with I can't do it
and that leads to failure , everyone makes mistakes and if somehow in life you finally give up and fail what I want you to do is think about the damages and now in this situation you will tell me that "Soumya this is also overthinking "   yes guys you are not wrong but it is the overthinking of a good and perfect topic , if we overthink about a bad topic it can lead to many big problems because at the end the virus of overthinking always ends the person with nothing and overthinking of a good thing can cause good things in life and also there is a proverb in our Hindi  language which is from India  Kar bhala so ho bhala which in English means if you do a good thing it always has a way of coming back to you this term perfectly applies in overthinking 

Ok so where were we? yea... think about the damages you will cause if you stop running by stop running I mean you failed the exam because instead of studying you did overthinking   and now you failed and you didn't try again next year you GAVE UP think about those damages like 
Gave up : no job
no job : no money
no money : no love 
no love : broken heart
broken heart : no friends 
no friends : no support 
no support : lonely
lonely : depression 
depression : suicide 
suicide : LIFE END 

did you read it properly if no please read it once 

did you realize? a small thing can lead to very big causes in life ; Life is too short make the most of it 

and guys if now you have a shoulder and a good friend which you can cry infront of and tell your feelings that's fine till then , but till when will she/he be there for you? ; at the end you only have yourself 
motivation will not be always with you , everything you want only you can give it to yourself no-one else now you will think "what if I want a doll? , I could ask my father or mother then?" but! who has to ask for that to your parents? YOU
saw that? [that was a lame example.... sorry guys....]

Overthinking will never help you it will only cause damage and now what to do to overcome this overthinking?

Firstly make a note about the situation you are thinking of note out the things that will have an advantage and also that will cause disadvantages 
if you see disadvantage more just think that "what I should do to make this disadvantage into advantage? suppose if a teacher has given you assignments and you forgot to do it so if you have time either do it or if you don't have time just straight up tell to the teacher that you forgot and if like those Movie teachers they appreciate for your honesty  then it's awesome but if you get punishment instead which is every student's daily experience [jokiiinngg] than just accept it and think about why didn't you do it? and the next time you don't want your punishment so you do it  
and that whole thing was an example of  learn from your pasts
and also sometimes people  overthink of why do they overthink... that's a common thing nowadays 

Overthinking is not actually a bad thing , many people in the world maybe it can be Albert Einstein he thinks a lot! is it good or bad? overthinking is not a bad thing , wrong thinking is a bad thing , reality is right thinking and illusion is bad thinking 
if I ask "is there god?" some tell he is there some tell he's not there , if I tell he's there the people who are disagreeing and those who are agreeing there will be a fight.....
is there any proof of it? now if someone showed you a ghost film and at night you can't sleep... 
think according to the reality did you see ghost? No! if someone has seen than its a reality for them! always agree to a thing that you know , you have seen,  that is reality 
if someone is not agreeing with you or had a fight with you and now he/she is not talking to you that is there problem not yours , clear everything what is there in your mind and act according to the reality , if you do that you half problem is solved on the spot! 

Life is too short make the most of it! 

At the end you only have yourself

Don't think too much , but think right 


your problem, whatever is your question please tell me through comments , conversations and I will help you

ThankYou , Take Care


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