Controlling your tongue

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A very good afternoon/evening/morning!

This topic seems intense by the name but it is not,  it is as simple as A.B.C but as hard as algebra if you don't understand and adapt it... it can make a serious problem with your life and who knows it will cause you into a very big regret! The smallest things can lead you to the craziest problems. I'm going to talk about your TONGUE! ok I am not teaching science here... I mean your WORDS.  Firstly do you behave well? because this is very important in the process, for behaving well you have to do just 2 things 1. be nice to people in your surroundings 2. mind your body language, the two main things in behaving well. 

Now you are behaving well the very second thing you have to learn is "THE TONGUE IS THE MOST POWERFULL WEAPON IN THE WORLD" you don't know the feelings of the person in front of you he may be like "I don't care what these people are saying I'm going to follow my path and ignore them" but some people are very sensitive by heart like if you tell them anything rude or just as a joke there are 70% chances that they will take it seriously so just don't! [there is a friend of mine whose character is the same! , also in the past few days I just told something to someone and that night I realized that was the biggest mistake] some people have the habit of saying whatever is there in their mind directly making their way to the tongue and spitting it out but sometimes they can turn to the worst! there is a saying that you have probably heard of "most people tell the truth when they are angry" and it is the truth! 

Moving forward ,next is clearing your mind, for that the first thing which comes to almost everyone's mind is meditation. you should do meditation it clears your mind and focuses your mind on the important things... you don't be confused, etc. Now we are going to learn How To Do these things. anyone can tell that "I control my tongue", I control my body language" etc. but in reality, no one knows the truth! there are some holy people [not disrespecting anyone or any religion] out there saying "I am the holiest, God will bless me I every day perform all the rituals" but... boasting out something doesn't mean you are doing it by your heart! if you are doing it by heart, by giving out your feelings then the thought of telling it to everyone will be the last thing to come to your mind... Now we are going to talk about how we can control our thoughts

First, we need to learn to" control feelings". You may think about how to control feelings? every problem has a solution so to "CONTROL FEELINGS" we might need "MEDITATION" it's important because it makes your mind feel peaceful that makes your feeling in control , that makes your heart ready for any situation to be calm.

The second thing, we need to learn is about "CONTROLLING WORDS". Here everyone makes the mistake of understanding the phrase "CONTROLLING WORDS" as they think we use proper words but we all are totally wrong actually we only see the words according to ourselves we never see other feelings what the word is , it might place a double meaning in the heart of others. let's see an example 

People Talking 

 Man 1= how are you?

Man 2 = fine {in sad voice}

Man 1 = do you even have energy at least once a day?

Man 2 : If I hurted or bothered you in anyway then I'm sorry [he has been tortured and abused for his whole life and never thought that his own friend would do such thing]

So as they were talking and how they hurt someone else .Do you control your mind language.  you should think about some situation which happened in your life don't see everything by your side see others so you would be "The human which everyone desires to have" and this will be a great gift than gold or silver instead more precious then a diamond.
These steps will greatly help you to cope up and get along with your surroundings 
Here are some more words from my side :

We should often ask people whether the words we are using or the body language we are using is offensive or if they are comfortable with them? this edifies your social interactions and the chances of people talking to you being friendly with you increases. To know more we should fulfill our past promises and then make new promises, this makes people trust you and they can hand you any responsibility as they already know that you are a trustworthy individual. Last but not the least comes using more positive words. this step has a great impact on your social interaction , more people will enjoy talking to you they can talk to you when they are sad... Happiness/laughter is the best medicine


Laughter is the best medicine 

The tongue is the most powerful weapon

Most people tell the truth when they are angry

The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart


Guys! I enjoyed writing this chapter so much... because it was a collaboration with my close friend!... only this chapter ok? the future chapters will be written by MY own hands only... hehe 

This is a collaboration with - @stefiautumnqueen267

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