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Sorry I am a bit busy with my exams and it starts after 3 days! so wish me good luck... also I'm having a mental breakdown right now I mean I don't even know what's happening to me all the things which used to come in my mind while I write every chapter of this book is gone now my mind is blank... I study late at night and watch k-dramas in the afternoon... that's normal well I don't have much audience but I want YOU to share your day routine in the comments well here's mine --- 

8:30 - wake up 
9:00 - breakfast
10:00 - online class 
1:00 - lunch
2:00 - studying 
3:00 - extra things [wattpad , k-dramas , chatting with friends]
4:00 - tuitions 
6:30 - playing  
8:00 - dinner 
9:30 - late night studying 
1:00 - sleep 

I would like to know yours! and let's convert whatever is going on in my mind into words

Firstly.... I'm sad about my exams and studies and also school re-opening like it feels so sudden 2nd.... my family problems... 3rd... my friends 

I really want to be that kind of girl who will be the motto of everyone I wish to be the world's one of the greatest authors..  , film producer , teacher I really wish all of this and my BIGGEST dream is to -- I want to be that person who will be the reason to change every fake smile into a real one 
I know that I can't be loved by all but I want to be that kind of person who thinks twice before speaking anything , value time well I do value time now too... the breath you just took was a blessing and the second you took that breath will NEVER come again once its gone its gone.... If god gives you a second chance WORK HARD FOR IT because god has hope and trust on you if you break it your life will never be the same again and I promise it!

Quote Sparkling! 

YOU HAVE ONE LIFE... EITHER BE THE MAN IN THE CROWD OR... ON THE STAGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - By Me

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