How to stay happy all the time?

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A/N : hey guys! ok I was not dead -_- hehe , so today's topic is how to stay happy all the time? , what are your opinions and advices?

According to me! , are you satisfied with your life?? because until you are not satisfied you can't be happy , just by curling your lips into a semi circle doesn't mean you are happy! is your inner soul happy? 

all that what you want will you always get that? , no! so how will you happy , all that external factors that is happening with your life that is linked with your happiness , that is pleasures.
now If there is a chocolate in the fridge and you ate one you are not satisfied... you kept on eating and finally you got pleasure , is the pleasure your happiness? no! 

now how to stay happy? Always look at the back and see that who is not having it! you are on a plane and you see a helicopter going in front but once you look back you will see a man with a car.... that man doesn't even have a PLANE and still he is happy so why are you sad?! just stay happy now I will share an example with you -:

I was doing an assignment of my school and all the things were complete literally ALL the things then... water was spilled on that 2 hr assignment.... I cried and cried but then I realized why to cry? don't waste your time in crying and start over again! it's never too late for anything , I did it and got full marks! when you fail... god is signaling you that you will do better next time... 

now look at yourself... what all do you have....? family?... food?... house?.... rush to god and tell a BIG thankyou to him for giving you all that you have!... some people don't even have that.... bring a smile on your face and tell the world that this is not fake... my inner soul is happy and I'm happy... you are born for a reason....

I got some new quotes y'll! 

Life is like a road... In this journey , many dogs will bark and many birds will chirp but you have to remember that not to throw sticks at those dogs and chirp along with the birds

                                                                                                               - By me

Albert Einstein was teaching his class tables and then he made a mistake and his whole class started laughing then he told "No one was appreciating me when I wrote all the other things right... and when I made a mistake everyone pointed out..." 

In life... all the people will only look at your mistakes but according to my previous quote "don't throw sticks at those dogs..."  ignore them and walk through the road.... 

Touch The Skyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें