P~ Being Aaron Dingle's sister includes

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1) Him calling you squirt

2) You calling him Azza

3) you beinng younger than him

4) Him being overprotective of you because after your past

5) Him helping you with  homework/coursework

6) Him being the first person you come out to

7) You helping him when he self harms 

8) You pokig him to annoy him

9) Him sobering you up after you went to a party your mum didnt know you were going to 

10) Him promising not to tell your mum you got drunk

11) You laughing together when you try and play any game which involves shooting because you shoot the floor instead of the targets

12) You reminding eachother that you will always have one another even in the darkest of times 

13) You being exttra excited when he tells you he's getting married

14) Him being the first one you tell when you get in a relationship

15) Him telling you that he wants to adopt with Robert 

16) You of course support him and tell him that if he's happy your happy

17) You hating Robert when he cheated on your brother and not wanting him to come near Aaron again but you forgive him when you realise that Aaron is happy 

18) Him always sticking up for you

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