Ross Barton x Reader

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You and Ross had tried having a relationship two years ago but your family believed you could do better than a mechanic. Ross didn't want to hide the relationship, while you thought sneaking around would be the only way to have a relationship with your family interfering. Your differences led to a short agreement that ended in an amicable, reluctant, split. However you and Ross remained on friendly terms, supporting eachother and lending an ear as you knew there was no-one who could understand.

During that time, you had gone on one date that ended in disaster. The man was arrogant and you had thrown a drink over him when he talked about Ross being 'a simple mechanic'. You were always protective of him. And it was always Ross who calmed you down in the end. You were friends first, and your relationship had developed naturally over the years into something more.

You had a crush on him when you were younger but Ross never seemed to think of you in a romantic light. After kissing one night after he had walked you home from the Woolpack, he had confessed that he had feelings for you for years, and that he was afraid of losing you friendship if he told you.

When Ross began dating Debbie, you started feeling like there was a wall between you. Frequently she turned up when you were together and when Ross invited you somewhere she shot it down and claimed she wanted alone time with him. You didn't want to be the reason they didn't work out so you kept away but Ross knew Debbie was pushing you away and was tired of her jealousy. When he found out she was sleeping with Pete he was almost relieved and the relationship swiftly ended.

You had never asked for his key back, as it had been you shared home for a few years, but you were surprised when you came home to find him on your sofa. Over a bottle of wine, he told you what happened and on the same night he broke up with Debbie, you rekindled your relationship. He was right after all. Most of your family was gone now, so what did it matter?

Neither of you wanted to rush into anything right away, so for over a week, Ross had been sneaking in and out of the home you used to share. He made up excuses when he was invited out as people tried to cheer him up, but Ross hadn't mourned the break-up for a second enjoying every minute with you.

He was having a drink in the Woolpack when Charity and Vanessa cornered him. He glanced at the clock and knew you would be home soon so he quickly finished his drink and was about to leave when Vanessa asked him where he was last night.

Ross thought on his feet and lied, telling her he was at the movies.

But Vanessa wasn't buying his excuses anymore. "What did you go see?"

"A film..." Ross trailed off, glancing at the two women who were growing more suspicious.

"No, really?" Charity replied sarcastically.

Ross looked at Vanessa, glancing away when she stared him down. "The exorcist, all right?" He finished his pint, placing the glass down before walking out and Vanessa shared a look with Charity.

"He's lying."

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Charity agreed.

You opened the door when he knocked, sending him a smile. "You don't need to knock you know."

Ross smiled as he stepped towards you while you stepped backward, kissing you passionately while closing the door. You wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.

You pulled away when the door opened, eyes widening when you saw Charity and Vanessa. "I knew it!"

You looked at Ross when he groaned. "Did you follow me here?" He asked.

"Don't try to make this about us. Because it about you." Vanessa said, pointing at him.

"So how long has this been going on then?" Charity asked.

"Over a week." You replied, amused by the situation. You took Ross' hand, sending him a reassuring smile. You looked at the two blondes, "You won't say anything? I'd rather my family didn't find out through the gossip mill."

"On the condition you have a drink with us and tell us everything." Vanessa grinned.

You held your hand out, and she shook it. "Deal."

The two women left and you playfully nudge Ross. "I should've known it would be you that got us caught."

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you, leaning down to kiss you.

Ross expected your parents opinions to influence your relationship as they had done previously. But this time you had dismissed their comments or 'concerns' as they called it. You had almost lost your chance once and you didn't want to make that mistake again. You loved Ross Barton. And one day, you knew you would become man and wife and have a family of your own.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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