P~ Being Debbie Dingle's sister includes

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1) Her calling you Pumpkin and Short Ass 

2) You calling her Big Sis and Bubbie (you oculdnt pronounce your D's when you were little)

3) You being 21 years old 

4) You being by her side through thick and thin

5) Her telling you that you're worth more than anything when your best-friend stabbed you in the back

6) You being Jack's godmother aswell as his aunt

7) Her giving you advice on boys and warning you about them too

8) Her saying you could be a singer if you practice more and didn't act all silly 

9) Her getting annoyed when you take her clothes without asking 

10) You taking her clothes without asking (which you do a lot because you love her clothes)

11) You not talking to her or the kids for months when she goes to France

12) You making her laugh when you try to draw

13) Her comforting you when your mum or dad gets arrested

14) Her being the first one you tell when you get a boyfriend

15) You being by her side when Sarah is sick 

16) Her finding you and asking you what's wrong when you are upset

17) You wanting to kill Joe for what he's done to her and the kids

18) You promising to look after Sarah and Jack if she went to prison for the acid attack

19) Having pointless arguments 

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