I: Matty Barton x Reader

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You were sat at the bar in the Woolpack, guzzling your fifth pint. Your boyfriend had just dumped you through text and you turned to alcohol as soon as you read the message, which was an hour and a half ago.

"Y/N?" The voice of your best friend Matty made you look up and see him entering the

"Oh, Hey, Matty." You slurred, before demanding, "Another one, please Chas."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Y/N love." Chas said.

"How much have you had to drink?" Matty asked as you shrugged.

"That's her fifth pint." Chas told him.

"Y/N!" Matty almost shouted.

"What? This is the only way that I'm going to forget what's happened." You mumbled, taking another gulp.

"What's happened?" Matty asked, taking the glass away from you

"Doesn't matter." You grumbled, "Now give me that back."

"No way. I'm taking you home, I need to make sure you get there safely." He said

"That's a good idea." Chas nodded

"Right, come on, you." Matty said
After arguing for a few minutes you finally let Matty take your arm and guide you out of the pub. "You gonna tell me what's going on then?" He asked as the two of you walked down the road.

"Y/B/N (your boyfriends name) dumped me, over text." You explained, your eyes filling with tears as you thought about it again.

"That's awful. Did he say why?" Matty questioned

"Nope." You sniffled
"Come here." He pulled you into a hug as you let the tears fall.
"Why was I not good enough for him?" You sobbed

"Hey, don't say that," he frowned, pulling away so he could look at you, "He's an idiot for breaking up with you. You're a gorgeous, smart, funny, caring girl who any guy, or girl, would be lucky to have."

"Matt-Matty, I need to tell you something." You stuttered, about to tell him something that had been on your mind for the last month or so, "I really like you. I've felt this way for a while now and I can't hide it any longer." Matty looked taken aback by your latest confession.

"Y/n... You're drunk, I don't-"
"That's got nothing to do with anything." You cut him off, "I know what I'm saying and I know how I feel." It was a pretty big risk telling Matty how you felt, as you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

You were soon shocked when Matty softly cupped your face and pressed his soft lips to yours.

"I like you too." He smirked after he pulled away. You grinned and pulled him in for another kiss. Maybe your boyfriend dumping you wasn't as bad as you thought.

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