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Calvin released a low moan as he reached his orgasm inside of one of his classmates. He breathed heavily, trying to be as quiet as possible, but with the bed squeaking and the sounds the girl he was on top of kept making funny noises, he gave up on wanting to keep it quiet not to disrupt his sister, Dim-Sum, who was sleeping in the next room.

"You need to leave before it gets too late," he said, putting on his pants, still breathless. He did not want anyone in his bed anymore.

"I thought I could sleep over and we could finish the studying for the Chemistry exam," the girl said, wrapping a towel over her chest, her face sweaty.

He could already tell that she was going to be a difficult one to kick out by the look of faux innocence in her eyes. He then moved and sat next to her as gently as he could and looked her right in her eyes.

"Listen, this was fun okay, but I don't want you to think this is going to lead anywhere," her face dropped as he continued to talk. "I would never want to lead you on with a false promise about getting in a relationship with you,"

"Okay, let me put my clothes on," she said after a moment of silence. She moved around the room looking for her clothes, her slim, naked body bending and twisting, making Calvin excited again, but stopped himself as he wanted to go to bed before his new day at school.

"Let me call you a cab," he said, unlocking his phone. It was after eleven and was concerned about getting the girl late to her home. She had talked to him about how fun it was to sneak out to see boys, which made him curious to see how far he could get with her.

After a few minutes, they heard the cab sounding off the hooter twice. He took out of the house as quiet as possible, successfully putting her in the cab and giving her the money to pay. He waited until the red lights of the cab disappeared, and went to bed satisfied and already thinking of her body and how good she felt under him.

Walking through the gates of school, with his sister behind him with her friends, he greeted some of his friends. Walking through the parking lot, he sees the principal parking her car, and getting out with another student in her car, someone he has never seen before. He walked slowly behind them and saw that his uniform was new, the eight o'clock sun, his blazer shining from the sun. He looked him over and saw a bit of a toned body, his pants tight enough to see he had a round butt, which interested him, never seeing a boy with an ass like that.

"Arnold, don't worry, I'll be in my office all day. You can come to me anytime," she said, putting a hand on his cheek, her arm reaching to his face as he was taller than her. "Wait for me here, I'm going to get your class schedule,"

Calvin, chose to walk behind Arnold as he wanted to get a better look on his face, and made eye contact with him, immediately already liking his face and gave a small hello and followed his eyes as he went to his class.

* * * * *


Arnold stood outside of the administration office, waiting for his mother, as he was nervous about being in a new school. He looked over his shoulder and saw a very attractive student pass by him, giving him intense eye contact, making his heart jump, and looked at him until the boy couldn't anymore and Arnold let out a small smile as he wondered if the boy was attracted to him or was just curious who the new boy was.

Coming out of the office, she exited with a portly man with an extra-large brown blazer, with thick rimmed glasses, and they laughed at something another teacher did.

"Mr. Phuthego, I would like you to meet your newest addition to your class, Arnold. Arnold, this is your new teacher, Mr. Phuthego," they both exchanged handshakes and she said something referring to the teacher and left them by themselves.

"Your mother has told me all about you before you came so, I have a better idea for what kind of student you are," said Mr. Phuthego as they continued talking. "I'm a Physics teacher and teach your grade, so maybe I'll be your teacher," Arnold put his schedule in his pocket as they arrived in class.

After introductions, he was seated next to who looked like the class nerd, and was lucky he sat next to him. As smart as he was academically, he liked to sit next to smart people, whom he knows won't lead him astray with devilish extra-curricular activities. He sat next to Ookeditse, and made small chat with him, and found out that he was in the top three of the class, and played Softball, and they already became friends as they talked about their likeness for the sport and was glad that he sat next to him.

During break, Ookeditse talked with Arnold telling him that there looking for someone to join the team as they were beginning practice.

"I was actually the best pitcher at my previous school," said Arnold.

"Which school?" asked Ookeditse. He and Mr. Phuthego forgot to mention which school he transferred from.

"GSS, I think we played against this school before,"

"Maybe, when was it?"

"Last year, and we beat your ass," he joked, playfully shoving Ookeditse. "Well, rest easy, I am going to take this team to the top.

"We'll see about that, Coach Spikiri can be a bit brutal during practice,"

"Not brutal enough if you lost all the games that weekend, I remember it now. When we held it at the National Stadium,"

"Hey, be careful now, the coach is trying his best," he could sense he hurt Ookeditse's feelings, and humbly apologized, to which he quickly accepted and went to the softball field deep into the school.

* * * * *

Phyllis watched her son walk with his new teacher through the window of her office, the biggest office in the administrative office, with her name; Phyllis Walter, with her title, School Principal. Although she had faith that her son, Arnold would not have any problem with getting along with the students in his class.

She had placed him in the class with the most softball players and has the biggest support group of friends and were just as academically gifted as him. Going to her seat, she got herself ready for calling her fiancé, Charles, who was away on business.

"Hello, baby," she cooed, twirling her engagement ring on her finger.

"How are you my love," he replied, on the other line. "How's our son doing? Did he get in okay?" she could hear the worry in his voice, as clear as day.

"He'll be fine, he can handle himself," she laughed at his worry. She found it comforting, that he cares about his child as much as he does.

She was excited about her wedding, her day to shine. Having on a white dress was one of her most important goal in her line, and found a fantastic man to share it with.

"Do you think they'll treat him differently just because he's the principal's son?" She asked, feeling herself worry, the ring being tapped by her thumb, relieved her from some of that anxiety.

She had let the other teachers in Arnold's schedule that they had a new student in their classes. Charles had warned her before that she was very intense about her only child, being very protective for her son not getting hurt. She knew he was growing up and was at the age where he was getting adventurous with his life, and wanted to give him the space to have it.

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