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Mercy stared at her phone as she watched Charles call back for the third time. Continuing to ignore his calls, she looked at the pre-nuptial agreement in her office, laid out on her table, all twenty-five pages of it. Feeling like she had no other option, she answered his call.

"Meet me at my office in an hour," she demanded and hung up the call before Charles could get a word in.

She huffed, feeling her chest constrict as she leaned forward and braced herself on the desk, taking deep breaths. The images of Charles giving her a severe headache. She moved her hand, to her bag and searched around her bag. She recognised the shape of the bottle and took it out, managing to swallow two pills and taking two big gulps of water, feeling the two capsules moving its way down her lubricated throat.

When she saw she had a few minutes before Charles arrived, she ran to the bathroom in her office and wiped off any bit of flaw on her brown skin, she took her hand through her hair and went to sit down.

"Mercy, my beautiful," greeted Charles, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Mercy's heart beat faster.

"Why are you doing Charles? Why do you want to break up our family? After so many years?" Mercy ran her mouth off, watching Charles sit down across from her.

"Didn't you read the pre-nuptial agreement?"

"I never would have agreed to this, I want you not to marry that woman, Charles," she said, her voice getting louder. "You're my husband,"

"Don't you want to see our legacy expand to greater heights, for generations to come?"

"Therisanyo and Lerato are my legacy, your legacy,"

"None of our ancestors ever got to make an empire thrive this long with just two children was a dreamer. We make sure that our children have something to support them when we die, to take care of their children in the future,"

"Why marry another woman?"

"She and I share the exact same idea in building an empire and making a mark on this earth,"

And that's what we're doing with this company," her mind wandered to when he said something earlier. "How long have you been seeing this woman?"

"Seventeen years," he said, confidently.

Her heart shattered, the knowledge of his truth ruining her soul.

"Just two after we got married?" she felt the tears gather in her eyes, and took her ring in her right hand. "You son of a bitch!. You selfish motherfucker!" she screamed, taking anything in her way and threw it at him. "Seventeen fucking years with another bitch in your heart, the wedding ring I bought you, you use to touch that cheap bitch!"

"I took vows for you Mercy!" yelled Charles, reaching the same tone as his wife. "I paid for you! I brought cows for you and built you a life with me. I'm not letting you go," he finished his voice strong.

Mercy couldn't care less about the people who were hearing them scream.

She breathed, trying to calm herself. "Your children are going to hate you. Why are you doing this now, you're ruining their lives,"

"You still haven't told them?" he asked, surprised.

"I'm not telling them anything, Charles. Im not going to sit and watch my children marry another woman,"

"They'll get used to it, we raised very faithful thinkers,"

"Polygamy is against the law now, you can't do this,"

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