Chapter 4

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3rd Pov:

Classes have ended and Dream got up from his seat and walked out of class and headed to his next class, but someone was staring at him and following him. While Dream was going to his next class he saw his older brother by his locker. Foolish saw him too and waved at him and Dream did to, the one who was following Dream saw it, so they know now that they aren't the only one seeing him. The mysterious person kept on following Dream, until they heard someone shout his name. "WILBUR!"

Wilbur Pov:

I turned to the person who shouted my name and got immediately hugged to the ground. "WILBUR!" a child shouted my neme of excitement and happiness "What do you want Tommy" I said as I got of the ground with the child not hugging me anymore "I wanted to chat with you Big man" said the child still excited "Can't you talk to Tobbo?" I asked him. Tommy looked away to the side and said "He's busy with memory boy" I got a bit confused at the name, but remember who's he talking about "Do you mean Ranboo?" I questioned him about the person "YES I MEAN RANBOO!" Tommy shouted turning away from me fully and scoffed about it "What's the deal  about Ranboo. Can't you just get along with him" I questioned Tommy. He turned to look at me with shock in his eyes "GET ALONG WITH HIM, BUT HIS A PRICK AND STOLE TOBBO FROM ME!" Shouted the child angrily and kept on shouting more about Ranboo stilling Tobbo from him. I didn't pay much attention anymore to him, but then I remembered the mysterious boy who I was following. I looked where I saw him last, scanning the area to see him gone. Without a sign of which direction he went. I then was snap back to Tommy who was shouting at me now to listen to him about how Ranboo is a prick and a friend stealer.

This is how Wilbur and Tommy look:

This is how Wilbur and Tommy look:

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Sorry for not posting for a while.

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