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"I'll entrust them to you, okay? Make them feel welcome. And don't worry, they're able to converse well in English so there'll be no major issues in communication." My professor gave me a pat on the shoulder. I forced out a smile, and thanked him for the opportunity.

An opportunity that I didn't want.

My professor had informed me a few days ago that he was expecting two exchange students from Thailand to be joining us in this internship - which I was tasked to lead and take care of.

It's not that I hated them, or anyone really - I just have trouble starting conversations and talking to people I don't know. Much less be a good host and make them feel welcome.

What if I say something wrong and make myself look bad? What if they think I'm horrible and end up hating this internship because of me?

All these thoughts ran through my head. I was so distracted that I failed to realise that my professor was walking towards me with two other people behind him.

"This is Yin and War. They're the two exchange students I told you about." My professor introduced the two strangers. He gave a friendly smile and introduced me to them as well, to which they nodded and smiled politely. I quickly gave a small smile amd bowed slightly.

The professor gave a few more brief instructions to the two students, then left the three of us to be by ourselves.

I stood there awkwardly as the two boys gazed around curiously, looking at the various posters on the walls and the equipment around the room. I decided to speak to break the silence.

"So uh...hi. This is the lab that we have to work in. You can take anything you need from the shelves, just that if the supplies are running low you can let me know and I'll get it replenished." I wiped the sweat off my palms on the sides of my lab coat. I didn't know why I felt so nervous.

"Thank you, may I know where are the restrooms as well?" The boy who was wearing a pair of earrings with a cross on it spoke. He looked intently at me. His name was Yin, if I remembered correctly.

I decided to give them a small tour around the area so that they'd know where to go. They were mostly silent throughout the whole time, occasionally nodding and acknowledging what I said. They didn't seem to be very comfortable yet either, which I could understand.

I mentally gave myself a little encouragement, and tried to start a new conversation.

"Have you guys been to this country before? Or is this your first time here." They briefly looked at each other before the boy with a slightly smaller stature replied. He said that this was their first time coming here, and they didn't know what to expect. From there, the three of us just continued making small talk and getting to know a little more about each other.

I realised that they were just as nervous as I was, but were also excited about learning in this new environment. They didn't talk much, but there was a little sparkle in their eyes that showed me just how enthusiastic they were.

Maybe this internship won't be so bad after all. 

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