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We soon arrived at a nearby restaurant. The boys did most of the ordering as I knew that the amount of food would be more than enough to be shared among us. Yin always liked to tease War about the time he ate three bowls of rice for lunch, and still had dessert after.

I made sure they ate to their hearts' content, and paid for the meal. War was a little sulky as he insisted on paying, but I refused.

"It's supposed to be my treat today," he whined.

"Nope. Remember, I only said I wanted to take you guys out today, I never said I wanted you to pay for anything." I replied nonchalantly as I handed the cashier my card.

I looked out the windows, and realised it was already evening. The sun was setting, turning the sky into a pretty orangey red colour. Just in time for our last stop for the day.

"Follow me, we have a last stop to make."


Our feet sank into the soft sand as we strolled along the shore. We had come to the beach at the perfect timing - half of the sun had set behind the vast ocean. The sunlight softly bounced off the ocean, making it sparkle.

We found a nice spot, and sat down to rest and admire the view. The boys were happily snapping pictures, taking boomerangs for their Instagram stories.

"Hey, Yin followed you and didn't tell me! What's your Instagram name?" War got up from where he sat and came to sit beside me. I keyed in my username on his phone and handed it back to him. He proceeded to tag me and Yin in his Instagram story, which was a selfie he took while Yin and I were not noticing and just looking at the sunset.

Yin complained that he looked awful in the photo, and tried snatching War's phone away to delete the photo before he could post it.

"I look horrendous! Delete it!" Yin shouted, chasing War around.

"I'll post what I want! And you look fine anyway, my photography skills are top quality," War stuck his tongue out at Yin, refusing to oblige. He eventually pressed the "post" button, leaving Yin breathless and defeated.

"Fine, fine, I lost." Yin trudged back to where War was standing.

"Look look, that cloud there looks like Darth Vader." War pointed to one of the clouds that had a funny shape. It did kind of look like Darth Vader.

"Where? That one?"

The two of them stood there, pointing at clouds and imagining them as objects. They looked so precious.

I quickly took my polaroid camera out of my bag, and snapped a few photos. These would be perfect farewell gifts for them when they had to leave.

As I waited for the photos to develop, War called out to me from where they were standing.

"Hey, come here! Let's take a photo together here with the sky behind us." He beckoned for me to join the two of them.

We stood with our backs to the horizon, showing toothy smiles to the camera.

"Say cheese!"

Author's note:

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Author's note:

Ep 10 of WxY was so cute! Them playing around on the beach and looking at the sunset inspired this chapter.
And I'd like to thank everyone who's been quietly reading my work. I appreciate all of you♡ please stay safe and take care of yourselves during this pandemic!

Summer Bliss [YinWar AU]Where stories live. Discover now