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"Hey, I realised I haven't added you on any of my social media accounts. What's your Instagram name?" Yin asked as he fished his phone out of his lab coat pocket. He logged on to his account and handed me his phone. I keyed in my username, and immediately tapped the "Request to follow" button.

"Your username's so cute, how did you come up with it?" He laughed. I stuttered, feeling embarrassed at that strange username I came up with randomly when I first made the account back when I was 14. "It was completely random, I didn't know what to name it and that was the first thing I thought of."

I shifted my gaze back to the reagent tubes on the table, hoping that Yin would not notice my awfully red face. I focused my attention back to my work, carefully extracting the right amount of chemicals. I glanced up, and saw War on the other side of the bench. He was mixing some chemicals in a flask and swirling them around. His brows were furrowed, and I heard him sigh softly under his breath. "Tsk, am I doing something wrong? The color's not right..." He set the flask back onto the tabletop, and wrote some figures down on his notebook.

"Hey, do you need any help? You seem troubled." I asked. War lifted his head to look at me, and gave a sad smile. "I'm supposed to be getting a pinkish color from the reaction, but I don't know why it just stays green. I've tried altering everything I can but nothing's working." He pursed his lips in exasperation. I walked over to him and studied the notes he had written down. Yin also came over, curious about what was going on.

The three of us were looking at War's notes, wondering what could be done. It seemed that he had really tried every solution he could think of - the pages of his notebook were filled with little sticky notes and scribbles.

I flipped through a few pages, and suddenly got an idea.

"What if you changed the concentration for this? It could help a little," I suggested, pointing to one of the chemicals. War looked at me, and I could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Yin nodded, agreeing that it was worth a shot. "Yeah, it may work. You haven't tried that yet right, War?"

"Yeah, I haven't. I'll try it out and let you guys know if it works." War visibly regained his confidence, and he resumed working on his experiment. Yin and I went back to our stations and continued with our work.

A while later, I heard a small shriek coming from the other end of the lab. I got startled, quickly rushing to where the sound came from. War was holding the flask from earlier and looking at it with a big smile.

"It worked!! You're a genius!" He exclaimed. He turned to me, his eyes as big as marbles. We exchanged a high-five. Yin swiveled his chair around to look at us. "War owes you a treat now since you helped him figure out the solution." He joked. I quickly waved my hands in the air, saying that I didn't expect anything in return. War, however, was actually considering it.

"Yin's right. I have been trying to fix this problem for a long time but couldn't do it. But now with your help, I finally did it. Let me give you a treat as a way of saying thank you." He replied earnestly. I paused for a moment, thinking of a brilliant plan.

"There's one thing I want more than a treat." I answered.

Yin and War both looked at me with a puzzled expression on their faces. "What is it?" War asked.

"Let's hang out this weekend, I'll bring you guys out to have fun."

Summer Bliss [YinWar AU]Where stories live. Discover now