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"Hey that's my shirt, why are you taking it?" Yin asked as he stuffed a bag of things into his luggage.

"Oh this is yours. I thought it was mine. Catch," War said as he threw the shirt across the room.

It landed right smack on my face.

"Woops, sorry."

"Gosh, why are you guys packing last minute?" I chided as I helped them gather their small items around the room and handed those to them.

"We were too lazy." War smiled sheepishly.

The day had finally arrived. They were leaving this evening to return to Thailand. I had offered to come down to their dorm to help them pack, to which they delightfully agreed.

We had finished packing some time in the afternoon - just in time to head to the airport.

They took one last look around the room, before heading out the door and locking it for the final time.

"Gah, why do the lifts have to spoil at this time?" War groaned as he stared at the flashing red LED display that read 'under maintenance'

"Down the stairs we go." Yin sighed.

"Come on. I'll give you guys a hand." I picked up the numerous small bags they had that could not fit into their luggages, and carried as much as I could. I felt like I was carrying sacks of rice over my shoulders with all the weight that I was carrying.

"You're gonna collapse under all that weight! Come on, leave some of it to us." Yin rushed over to my side, trying to get some of the bags off.

"I'm fine. You guys worry about your own luaggages, those are really heavy." I said stubbornly as I shuffled towards the staircase. They knew I wouldn't give in no matter what they said, so they just followed closely behind.

We successfully got to the bottom of the stairs after much struggling and panting. There was already a cab waiting by the lobby, which we had called for earlier. We loaded the bags onto the cab, and hopped on.

The ride to the airport was filled with laughter and plenty of photos. The boys were taking pictures and videos of every single view of the city skyline they could get. I knew they were trying to make the mood as lively as possible so that I wouldn't be sad, so I tried my hardest to hold back every urge to cry.

We soon arrived at the airport and the boys went ahead to check in their luggage. I found a bench nearby and sat down while waiting, and observed them scrambling to lift their heavy luggages onto the conveyor belt.

Looking at their backs reminded me of the past months where we hung out together in the labs. I would surely miss their little squabbles and how they loved to play around, but when it came down to work, they were very serious and made sure they did everything perfectly.

The labs were going to feel a lot emptier from now on, even more so than before I met them.

After a while, they settled everything and it was time to enter the departure hall.

"You two take care of yourselves okay? And please text in the group when you have safely landed." I said as I tiptoed to pat their heads.

"We will." Yin smiled, his eyes curving into a crescent moon shape. I noticed that they were watery.

"And one last thing," I said, fumbling inside my bag and retrieving two small pouches. I handed one to each of them, my heart thumping in excitement and wondering if they will like what I got them.

"What is this?" War said as he fished out a small container from the pouch. "Lip mask?"

"Yes. You boys are always running around and hardly have time to drink a lot of water. Use this so that your lips don't crack and bleed." I explained. "And the other thing inside is sunblock. UV rays are bad for you."

They seemed fascinated by my gift, and told me that they would use it well. I wished there was more I could do for them, but I knew that they would look after each other so I didn't have to worry.

"'s goodbye then." My voice cracked as I tried to maintain that forced smile. Unfortunately, just mentioning that word broke down my guards and I could feel a tear streaming down my cheek.

"Hey, we agreed no crying didn't we?" War frowned. "Come here."

He opened his arms out wide and enveloped me into a warm hug. We had known each other for less than a year, but I felt closer to them in this moment than ever before.

Yin joined in and wrapped his arms around both of us. I could hear sniffles from both of them. Just yesterday they said that they would not cry for sure and were even getting ready to tease me.

How ironic.

"Okay, it's time to go in otherwise you'll be late." I said as I gently pushed them away. Yin's eyes were red and overflowing with tears, while War had slightly puffy cheeks.

"Stop acting like small children, stop crying." I teased while sobbing, and wiped their tears away with my thumbs.

"Says the one!" They grunted in unison. They turned to look at each other looking surprised, then we all then burst out into laughter.

I hugged them both one more time, squeezing them tight. They then walked towards the departure hall and let the guards check their boarding passes, and soon we were separated by a glass wall.

I stretched my arms as high as I could to give them a last wave, to which they waved back while jumping up and down. I did a big heart shape with my arms, and they responded with mini finger hearts while giggling before disappearing into the crowd.

I don't know if we will meet again, and I don't know where life will take us.

But I know for sure, that I will never forget this summer that I spent with them.


Author's note:

That's the end! Thank you so much again to everyone who left likes and read my story. I am by no means a great writer, I just love to write as a pasttime, so I'm especially surprised to see so many of you reading this •́  ‿ ,•̀
As always, take care of yourselves and please continue to give your love and support to YinWar~

Summer Bliss [YinWar AU]Where stories live. Discover now