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I was lucky that the weather decided to cooperate with me today. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, with fluffy white clouds passing by.

I had my earphones in, listening to music while I stood at the entrance of the dorms that Yin and War were staying in. I had arranged to meet them here, and we would take the train to our destination together. I figured that it would be better this way as they may not be familiar with the public transportation system in this city.

I was tapping my fingers to the rhythm of the song when someone tugged my earphones out of my ears. Startled, I turned around to spot the culprit. Yin and War were standing there, mischievous smiles plastered on their faces. They were giggling when they saw my surprised face.

It's hard to get mad at them even when they're being cheeky.

"Come on, let's go."


We got to the train station. Both of them had already purchased passes after they arrived, which allowed them to take the public transportation here easily. We entered the station, and waited near one of the doors. They were taking pictures and observing every nook and cranny of the station, in awe of its design and facilities. Not long after, the train arrived and we boarded.

"The view looks cool." Yin said while looking out the window as the train moved along the tracks. War was taking a video on his phone of the view outside the window. The two of them looked like little excited kids who were out on an excursion.

It was the right decision to take them out today.

I had been wanting to invite them out for a day of fun for the longest time, but just did not know how to ask them. War's offer to give me a treat was the perfect opportunity.

I told them more about the city and things they could do, places to go if they wanted to have fun. They were especially thrilled when I mentioned that there was a zoo - I made a mental note to take them there the next time.

We soon arrived at our first destination - a small hill. Since they said that they liked exercising and keeping active, I figured this would be a good place to go for a hike.

"It's been long since I came to a place like this," War commented as he glanced around the trees towering above us. We could hear the distant calls of birds all around, coupled with the various buzzes and chirps from insects hiding in the vegetation. He started sharing lots of facts about some animals, ranging from sharks to ant spiders.

"...and that's why the salmon swims upstream during that time of year." He explained. Yin and I were nodding to everything he said. I was amazed at how much he knew about nature and wildlife; he was like a walking encyclopedia.

"You guys stand there, I'll take a picture." Yin instructed. War and I stood between two trees, making silly faces at the camera which made Yin laugh. War was pinching my cheek in one of the shots.

I hoped he wouldn't notice how hot my cheek felt.

"Done. I wanna take a picture with you too," Yin pleaded, handing his phone to War. I felt shy upon hearing those words, but kept a still face so they wouldn't know. "What should we do?" He asked. I gave some suggestions, and we took a bunch of photos. This time, we went for a "cooler" vibe, which really showed the contrast between War's and Yin's personalities.

Different, yet they compliment each other so well.

"Now two of you should take some photos together," I said as I reached my hand out to War to take the phone. We switched places. "How should we pose?" Yin asked. I thought for a moment.

"Put your hand on his head!" I may have sounded a little too excited when I said that, because I was internally dying from imagining how the photo would look. They looked confused. I walked over to them, and put Yin's hand on War's head. I slightly adjusted their heads such that they were gazing into each other's eyes.

"Perfect! Hold still, let me take a photo..." I quickly ran back to the spot I was standing at, and snapped a photo. I was very satisfied with the result.

"You're acting like a fan of ours now," War chuckled. "Well, y'all have lots of fangirls and boys back at your university, so this shouldn't be new for you." I replied with a giggle. It was true; both of them had quite a big following on their social media platforms although they were not celebrities or idols.

They were frequently referred to as the moons of the Science faculty, and it was not hard to see why.

I came up with a couple more of suggestions for the photos, and the rest they did on their own. All the photos turned out great.

We continued on our hike, eventually reaching the top of the hill. We stopped to rest and catch our breath for a while before starting our descent.

The view on top of the hill was breathtaking. Although it wasn't as picturesque as the views from the top of a skyscraper, it was charming in its own way.

"Let's take a selfie!" War said as he got his phone out of his pocket. He glanced around, looking for the best spot to get a nice view of the city below us. Yin stood beside War, and I stood between the two of them. We smiled brightly at the camera lens, and War pressed the button.

"Where to next, captain?" Yin asked.

"Let's find our way out and I'll take you guys to have lunch."


Author's note:

This was the photo that inspired this chapter :D

This was the photo that inspired this chapter :D

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