Chapter 2

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"All passengers please brace yourself for impact." A robotic voice over the speaker said as the ship shook heavily.

Camari's teeth shuddered as they descended and She held on tight to the handles beside her seat.

She looked at the girl across from her.

The girl had vertigo and was barely holding her head up.

Camari braced herself.
This is it, you're leaving 116. Your life is finally starting. You are-
The ship shook heavily and disrupted Camari's thoughts. She continued.
You are becoming a fully grown adult human. You can do this Cam. You can do this-
This time it shook so hard Camari had airtime for about a split second.

She stopped pep-talking herself and shut her eyes. She needed to focus on not vomiting.

Oh my god. This place is huge. And so nice too. Back on 116 everyone was everywhere, we were so overpopulated that it was like an absolute hellhole.

Camari stood outside of a large black gate.

At the end of a dark blue road, sat three schools, all giant, all magic.

Camari walked through the gates and onto the quad.
There were groups of kids everywhere, some were laughing and swinging weapons around, others were just talking. She spotted a group of older kids in their black exercise uniforms, fighting with sticks.

Across from them a single girl swung a wooden staff. Sparks flew from the tip of it. Camari watched in awe.

"All first years please report to orientation in the mezzanine." A female voice said. She couldn't see any speakers, so she couldn't tell how the voice was so loud.

Camari had no clue where that was. She was debating asking one of the intimidating students whenever she saw him.

He swung a butterfly knife skillfully as he sat, leaning against the side of a cement bench.

The boy from her visions. He was sitting there.

Camari's heart began pounding.
How? Who? What are you doing here? She thought as she stepped a foot closer to him, analyzing him. His dark hair curled around his face, his head bent down as if not to draw attention to himself, his hands were big and strong.
Her heart started racing faster and a lump began forming in her throat as she swallowed.
"Do you need help?" A soft voice asked.

Camari turned to see a tall slender dark brown haired boy standing looking intently at her.

"Uhm, where is the sanctuary?" She asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry, I'll show you."

He seemed calm. They walked in silent a few steps before he broke the silence.
"Emmanuel." He smiled.

"Camari." She smiled back.
She glanced back at the boy flipping around the knife, he was gone.

"So, where are you from?" Camari asked.

"I from world 76."

"Oh? What's that like?"

"It's alright, the animals are beautiful, and the nature is astounding."

"I thought it was primarily a water and ice planet."

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