Chapter 7

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"Magic energy takes a slightly different form in every bloodline and every person. Your magic energy is almost purely emotional. Less you learn to control your grip on the magic dimension, your magic will become uncontrollable, and dangerous. People with emotional magic can cause serious harm to others. Imagine you have a significant other and they tell you they wish to end the relationship. Now imagine that while you were asleep, your hectic emotional magic went into their room and slit their throat. It is completely possible, and you need to understand the weight of your magic." Gale, a rare female seeker, is standing in front of me. She talks endlessly about my magic. And then she loves on to testing my magic.


"Tell me what I am thinking!"

"I don't know." She strikes my hand with her walking stick.

"Tell me what I am thinking of!!" She yells.

"Give me a fortune, any kind!"

"I told you, I only have visions when I am about to awake!" I almost yell at her.

She raises her book and whips the back of my head.
"Don't scream at me!" She yells.

"Now, punch. And this time, feel the magic."

I am on one foot, the other arranged in a tree pose.
I plant my left foot forward and plunge my fist in front of me. My fist gleams with a bluish purple magic aura and the aura continues to travel beyond my fist like an energy wave.

The energy wave connects with large bowling pin five feet in front of me, it barely sways.

"Not good enough."

"You can control your eye color, if you don't believe it, it won't happen."

I clench my jaw, preparing for her to start yelling colors again.


I open my eyes and the mirror she holds up shows me the color is a slightly warmer version of purple.

I look at her, preparing for her to swat me.
She decides to do so with words.


I'm sitting in the canteen alone, because my magic training messed my schedule up for the day and I cannot eat with my friends.

Laurie sits down in front of me, holding tonic water.

For a few second he says nothing, he only looks at me like I am hiding something he needs to pull out of me.

Then he asks.
"What are you learning in your magic training?"

"Hello to you too, she just talks about magic for an hour and then drills me like a psycho." I say.

"Is that why your hand is red?" He asks nodding toward my left hand.

"Yeah, she has odd techniques."

"Have you made any progress?"

I close my eyes.
Focus on the color light pink.

I got close to conjuring it before.

I open my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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